All Posts by Jani Ziedins


About the Author

Jani Ziedins (pronounced Ya-nee) is a full-time investor and financial analyst that has successfully traded stocks and options for nearly three decades. He has an undergraduate engineering degree from the Colorado School of Mines and two graduate business degrees from the University of Colorado Denver. His prior professional experience includes engineering at Fortune 500 companies, small business consulting, and managing investment real estate. He is now fortunate enough to trade full-time from home, affording him the luxury of spending extra time with his wife and two children.

Feb 26

AM: Buy the dip?

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 12:57 EST

S&P500 daily at 12:57 EST

AM Update

Selling abated and buyers are waiting for better prices.  AAPL is within a whisker of setting a new low as its underperformance continues.


Selling took a break this morning and the market is vacillating between gains and losses.  While it is good the market broke the fever of impulsive selling, a material dip under Monday’s lows could set off another wave of reactive selling, pushing the market to the 50dma/1475 level.


While the market is still on edge, holders are no longer rushing for the exit and everyone is waiting to see what happens next.  Selling dried up but prices remain flat because opportunistic buyers are waiting for even more attractive prices before jumping in.  Over the near-term the most likely buyers are late shorts forced to cover on any strength.  While this is not sustainable buying, it will be enough to seduce dip-buyers to jump on the bandwagon.


Expected Outcome:
Recent selling does not prove this market will not top in a more traditional double-top, head-and-shoulders, or exhaustion surge.  This dip is potentially forming the left-shoulder of the H&S or the middle pullback of a double-top.  Further, this might simply be an intra-rally check back to the 50dma, something common in extended rallies. Either way, expect new highs in the near-term.  Look for the market to bounce somewhere above 1475.  A lot of selling has already occurred and we are closer to the end of this dip.  While we might have a little further to go, shorts should lock-in profits before a short-squeeze wipes them out.

The most aggressive traders can buy this pause and use 1475 as a stop, but the safer move is waiting for the market to reclaim 1500.  The size and volatility of this dip did a good job of refreshing the rally and if we continue higher, look for 1550 or even all-time highs at 1575.

Alternate Outcome:
This really could be the selloff everyone’s been waiting for and talking about.  While I am suspicious of anything widely believed, sometimes the crowd is right.  There are countless reasons for this market to implode and yesterday’s Italian election added to the list.  Every rally ends and this could be the early stages of a massive correction.  While I don’t buy this story, stop-losses are the best way to protect my portfolio from hubris.  I’m okay with calculated 10-point losses when a trade doesn’t work, but that is a far different risk profile than holding through a 200-point collapse because I refused to admit defeat.

No matter which side of this trade you are on, plan your trade and trade your plan.  Identify buy/short points, stop-losses, and levels to take profits; then stick to these.  If the market reaches your buy point, buy.  If it reaches a sell point, sell.

AAPL daily at 12:58 EST

AAPL daily at 12:58 EST


AAPL was within a dollar of making a new low.  In a day where the market is practically flat, AAPL fell nearly 1% in early trade.  Breaking $435 will trigger another wave of stop-loss selling and shorting by bears.  At this point even a broad market rebound cannot save this stock.  While it might initially bounce on market strength, look for the stair stepping lower to continue.  $400 is a major psychological level and expect the market to test it.  That is another 10% dip from here.  Current holders need to ask themselves how much further they are willing to ride this down.

Stay safe

Feb 25

PM: The Plunge

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

The biggest down day since early November sent a chill through investors.  Was this simply a technical selloff that will recover quickly, or the start of something more sinister?


Dramatic selloff in the markets with an intraday range exceeding 2.25%.  This was the biggest drop since the Wednesday following the election.  Volume was 15% above average, but lower than the selling volume last Wednesday and Thursday.

The market clearly sliced through support at 1500 and is now just 10-points above the 50dma and the 1475 high from last fall.


There was no legitimate fundamental reason for the selloff today.  The financial press is pointing to polling out of Italy, but everyone knows Euro Contagion is the Boy Who Called Wolf.  It’s been three-years without a collapse and we will still be talking about an ‘imminent’ collapse next year too.

The real story is sellers selling because everyone else was selling.  Herd psychology triggering this stamped plain and simple.  The market opened innocently enough, gapping up 0.5%, but quickly ran out of buyers after short-squeeze buying dried up.  By late morning it was stair-stepping lower on Euro concerns and the last hour was a mad rush for the exits as prices cratered when buyers failed to show up.

Much of the selling was technically based, especially in the last hour as the market broke substantial support near 1500 and automatic stop-losses triggered a cascading wave of selling.  Potential buyers were just as spooked by the selling and chose to wait and see.  Without buyers the market fell through a trapdoor.

Where does today’s selloff leave market sentiment and how are people positioned?

The interesting thing is today’s massive move came on relatively light-volume and was the lowest volume of the last three down-days.   While the drop was dramatic, the actual level of selling is decreasing and suggests fewer people are bailing out.  Today’s big drop had more to do with reluctant buyers than a mad rush of sellers.  If selling continues slowing down, that will create a near-term bottom and short covering will bounce the market higher.

This massive plunge from record highs and swelling volatility replaced complacency with fear. Any weak holders likely sold in today’s bloodbath.  But if the nervous are running for cover who is buying?  Buyers acknowledge the risk of further downside, but think the selling is overdone.  These new buyers are far more comfortable holding volatility and their resolve will give us more stability going forward.  Of course ‘more’ is a relative term and while volatility will continue, don’t expect another selloff of today’s magnitude in the near future.


Expected Outcome:
Clearly my call to buy the 1500 dip last week was premature and as I often say, early is the same thing as wrong. Further, I might not even be early if the market continues selling off, but that is what stop-losses are for.  We identified 1505 as a valid entry and 1495 as the bailout.  While the trade worked beautifully until 10am this morning, the stop-loss got us out for a modest loss this afternoon.  As we discussed last week, a dip under 1500 was a realistic outcome and that made 1475 the next logical level for support.

There is no reason for the average investor to be playing these dips because it is too easy to get run over by the herd.  But if someone wants to trade the expected rebound, wait for the market to regain 1500 and use 1495 as a stop-loss.  The upside is a new high above 1530 and will most likely continuing past 1540.  5-points of risk for a 30-point gain is a very favorable risk/reward.  Waiting for the market to recover a key technical level avoids the risk of catching a falling knife and leaves a trader on the sidelines if the market continues breaking down.

Alternate Outcome:
If the expected outcome is a buyable dip, the alternative is a crash through 1475, breaking 1450, then 14245, and finally 1400. Expect a technical bounce at 1475, but if the market cannot regain 1500, look for more downside and that is where the short should be put on.  Don’t short this market here, wait for the bounce.


NFLX held up surprisingly well relative to the rest of the market.  Its 0.3% loss is practically an up day when the indexes lose 1.8%.

AAPL actually didn’t do too bad, simply mirroring the indexes 1.8% loss.  The thing to watch is if it recovers when the market recovers or if it continues ratcheting lower.

AMZN failed to hold the 50dma.  High beta-stocks like AMZN rarely work when the market is falling apart and is why understanding what the broad market is key part of trading individual stocks. If the market bounces back, look for AMZN to follow.

Stay safe


Feb 25

AM: Bounce or breakdown?

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

AM Update

Volatility is chewing up impulsive traders, but the rebound remains in tact as long as we hold 1500.  AAPL is holding $450, but what happens if the market takes a dive?

S&P500 daily at 1:15 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:15 EST


Stocks gapped higher at the open, but slid through the morning, giving back all those gains and then some.  The intraday range already exceeded 1% and continues the recent trend of volatility and indecision.


The market is in a sucker’s phase where it throws in all kinds of fake signals to dupe impulsive traders.  In periods like this it is best to act proactively, not reactively.  Take profits into strength and buy dips.  Anyone buying strength and selling dips is having a bad time.  The safest trade is letting the gamblers sort this out while watching from the sidelines.

Early weakness is blamed on election polling out of Italy, but if the market is ignoring sequestration and negative GDP, why will it crash on European politics?  The ‘bad’ guys won in Greece a couple of years ago and we see what happened there.  Nothing.  Why will Italy be any different?

Of course this is the market we are dealing with and it doesn’t always act rationally.  We could implode in a cascade of irrational selling, but since that is what people expect, I have my doubts.  No one believes this rally and that is why it keeps working.

People trade their opinion and anyone suspicious of this market is already defensive and underweight.  There are far more available buyers than sellers here.  Recent support at 1500 shows most holders are comfortable holding through weakness.  This limits supply and puts a floor under the market.  On the other side, shorts and money managers feeling pressure to catch this market will be forced to buy any strength.  Limited supply and lots of demand is a recipe for higher prices.

This rally leg is getting a bit old and anyone calling for a pullback is right, just early and in the markets early is the same thing as wrong.  We will pullback, just not yet.


Expected Outcome:
The market is still well above support at 1500 and until we violate this level, the rebound is alive and well.  No doubt I could be wrong and that is what stop-losses are for.  Markets like this are best suited for decisive traders who are willing to act early.  Anyone who bought the market in the low 1500s is still okay.  Those that waited for a confirmation of the bounce before buying are being flushed out for a loss.

To succeed in volatile markets like these, identify ahead of time levels that show support and resistance.  Plan trades around these levels and then stick to that plan.  Last Thursday breaking 1500 but quickly recovering showed strength and was a legitimate buy signal.  For those traders, stick with the trade until the market breaks under 1500 and don’t get sucked into the emotional selling today.  Chances are good we will not fall back to 1500 and it will be an easy hold.

Alternate Outcome:
Markets often reverses on seemingly benign news.  If reversals were obvious, everyone would be rich and we know that is not the case.  We make the high-probability trade, but use stop-losses to protect against flawed and incomplete analysis.  Without a doubt Italy could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, but we need to stick with the high-probability trade and that remains higher.  But we cannot ignore the other side of the trade and that is a bigger market selloff.  The market can slice through 1500 but will likely find support at 1475.  Failing support at 1475 means this rally is done and we need to wait for the next high-probability opportunity.

AAPL daily at 1:16 EST

AAPL daily at 1:16 EST


AAPL is mirroring the indexes, gapping at the open, but pulling back in midday trade.  So far there is nothing new from today’s trade and the trend is more likely to continue than reverse.  The bigger challenge for AAPL will be holding up through a 10% dip in the broad market.  Since AAPL is a high beta name, it can fall more than 2x the indexes.  A 20% drop in AAPL means there is potentially another $90 of downside risk left in the name if the broad market hits a rough patch.  Are long-term AAPL investors willing to hold through that kind of volatility?

Stay safe

Feb 24

LA: Buy the dip?

By Jani Ziedins | Weekly Analysis

S&P500 weekly at end of week

S&P500 weekly at end of week

Weekly Review and Look Ahead

Look for a quick bounce from last week’s dip as holders grow more comfortable holding.  This market will top, just not yet.  AAPL continues its 6-month trend of lower-highs and lower-lows.  Don’t bottom pick in this stock and wait for strength to come back before buying.


Stocks recorded their first negative week of the year and shook out a pile of nervous holders in the process.  Weekly volume was light due to the holiday, but each day was near or above average, meaning it was not a quiet trading week.  The 10wma is catching the market and only 33-points behind.   The slower moving 40wma is still 100-points, but closing the gap.

While the market finished down just 4-points, the weekly range of 34-points was the widest we’ve seen in a while, setting a new high and temporarily dipping under support at 1500.  Obviously things didn’t workout as planned for anyone buying the breakout or shorting the breakdown and everyone will be watching anxiously for the market’s next move.


There are two kinds of pullbacks, those that go further than expected and those that bounce quicker than expected.  While there are no hard rules in the market, extended pullbacks are usually rooted in emotion.  Obama winning reelection and the Fiscal Cliff debate lead to a wave of emotional selling as traders left reason at the door and predicted an imminent collapse of the American way of life.  The subsequent rebound was equally impressive because the selling was unjustified.  Now compare this to the dips that were more structurally based and arose from buyers taking a break.  Selloffs caused by normal supply and demand imbalances are short-lived because the market is simply regaining its footing.

Many traders expect last week’s selling to continue, but it really doesn’t need to and in fact the high-probability trade is a quick bounce.  Of course quick is a relative term and can mean anything from 1 to 3 weeks, but the sheer number of people thinking this selling will continue leads me to believe it is likely done.  I could be wrong, but that’s what stop-losses are for.


Expected Outcome:
The harder trade is buying the dip after only two-day, but the dramatic shift in sentiment and surge in the VIX suggests we already shook complacency from the market.  It is encouraging selling dried up on Thursday as holders kept holding after a dip under 1500.  And more than that, anyone who held the dip is feeling pretty smart and  even more committed to this rally.  That growing confidence among holders is why this market will not top on bad news.  No doubt the rally’s days are numbered, but the correction will happen from running out of buyers.  In the near-term continued strength will force bears to cover shorts and those trailing the market will keep chasing, meaning there is more buying left in this move.

Alternate Outcome:
Two-days of selling might not be enough and we could see another week or two of weakness before the market makes new highs again.  The deeper the selling, the more sustainable this rally becomes.  Shaking weak hands is what refreshes the market and clears the way for a move higher. If we resume the rally after just two-days of selling, the rally will be fragile and close to topping.  A deeper dip will let this market more thoroughly refresh, potentially extending into the 2nd quarter.

As for a trade, stay long the market as long as it holds above 1495 and look for a new high stretching past 1540 over the next few weeks.  A dip under 1495 means the market will test support at 1475.  No one knows for sure what the market will do next week and we will revise our outlook as the market gives us new information.

AAPL weekly at end of week

AAPL weekly at end of week


AAPL fell 2% for the week and is resting at $450.  Upside resistance remains at $485 and the low of the move is $432.  Dropping under $432 will extend the pattern of lower-lows and a close above $485 gives the stock its first higher-high in 6-months.  It took rumors of an increased dividend to push the stock up to $485 two-weeks ago and it will most likely take another fundamental catalyst to get it back up there.  Without some great news, expect the stock to continue drifting lower.  The stock could rally on broad market strength, but use that as a selling opportunity and resist the temptation to buy strength until the stock regains $485.

Stay safe

Feb 22

PM: Bulls fight back

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

The market ended the selling and found support at 1500, bouncing back to resistance/support at 1515.  AAPL stopped the losing streak, but is just leading on hopeful holders and NFLX is taking a much-needed break.


Stocks recovered all of Thursday’s losses and finished at the highs of the day.  Volume was fairly average, but quite a bit less than the elevated selling over the previous two-days.

The last few days of trade brought volatility back to the market and most tops involve elevated volatility leading up to the reversal point.  That doesn’t mean the market is about to collapse, we just need to be aware we are approaching that point.

Today shows 1500 continues to be a point where buyers are willing to step in.  The market finished at 1515, a level that provided both resistance and support going back to the beginning of the month.


Today’s rally ended the selling streak and rewarded holders that sat through the weakness.  Low-volume show few were excited to buy, but more noteworthy is fewer were willing to sell as supply dried up and the market bounced hard.

All the hype that said this was the start of a big selloff spooked out most weak holders.  Once the paranoid finished selling, longer-viewed investors that already sat through the Fiscal Cliff and a negative GDP report were not spooked by some meeting minutes.  That bodes well for the continuation and supports the thesis that this market will top due to running out of buyers (optimism), not negative headlines (fear).


Expected Outcome:
I still expect the market will make new highs before the end of the quarter, meaning we have at least another 15-20 points of upside left.  In reality the market will likely blow past the old high of 1531 as it triggers a new wave of short-covering and breakout buying.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a raging bull and think the market is in the process of topping, I just don’t think the top is in yet.  For various psychological reasons markets most often reverse in double-tops, head-and-shoulders, and exhaustion surges.  So far I don’t see any reason this time will be different.  That means Tuesday’s high is not the top and the high-probability trade remains buying the dip.

Alternate Outcome:
Today’s rally could be a head-fake to suck in bottom-pickers before steamrolling them with another crushing down-day on Monday.  I don’t dispute the real possibility of another horrible week.  There are no grantees in the market and every trade involves risk, the difference is the savvy trader uses probabilities to move the odds in his favor.  I could be wrong about buying this dip, but that doesn’t make it a bad trade.  Savvy traders manage risk by looking for the high-probability trade and using stop-losses to protect against unexpected losses.

If weakness continues next week, look for a dip to 1475, but that will be another potential rebound point.  Failing support at 1500 doesn’t kill this rally, but dropping through 1475 does.

NFLX daily at end of day

NFLX daily at end of day


AAPL finally saw its first up-day since Cook crushed investor’s hopes for an increased dividend/buyback.   If people are buying this bottom, I have a bridge to sell them.  I shouldn’t be so flippant because so many people are stuck in this trade, but I’ve warned about this for weeks now.  I was sucked into the AAPL earnings story just like everyone else.  The difference is I took my lumps after earnings came out, realized my investment thesis was flawed, sold out, and moved on.  We are in this to make money, not own stocks.  If something isn’t working, stop doing it and find something that is.

NFLX ran into some selling the last couple days.  Holding out for more than a 100% gain is just plain greedy.  It was obvious the stock would continue higher after earnings, just like it is obvious it will pullback after hitting ~$200.  That doesn’t mean the story is dead, the stock simply needs to catch its breath.  Look for a pullback to at least $160 before resuming the rally higher.

Stay safe

Feb 22

AM: Stocks finding a bid

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:19 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:19 EST

AM Update

The market is finding support and recovering recent losses.  Should this strength be bought or sold?  AAPL continues its lifeless trade and AMZN is setting up to break either direction.


Stocks are finding support above 1500 as the wave of impulsive selling abated and traders are using the pause to more rationally evaluate the market.


The last couple of days were dominated by “sell first, ask questions later”, but some sanity has finally returned after bottoming around 1500.  This is an important development because herd psychology can trigger massive selloffs when people start selling simply because everyone else is selling.  The most encouraging sign of support came yesterday afternoon when the market didn’t collapse after dipping under 1500.  That was the perfect setup for technical stop-loss selling to trigger wider selling.  Demonstrating support in face of all those automatic stop-losses showed selling was slowing down, not picking up.

Everyone acknowledged the recent series of non-stop new highs was getting frothy and this two-day pullback addressed that.  The bigger question is if this was enough of a dip to resume the uptrend, or do we need to see more selling before this thing finally bottoms?  Markets top on complacency and how quickly the mood changed once the selling started shows me this market is not complacent and traders are still cynical and edgy.  Topping complacency is when stocks start selling off a little at a time and no one seems to notice or care.  Clearly that was not the case here.

The encouraging thing for the bull is the recent dip created a new pool of potential buyers.  Recent shorts and swing-traders that jumped out will turn into buyers if the rally resumes.  Markets move on supply and demand only, this renewed pool of buyers gives us more fuel to keep the rally going.


Expected Outcome:
Arresting the slide shows the emotional selling has dried up for the time being.  That doesn’t mean the coast is clear, it just says the risks of an avalanche of herd selling has returned to more normal levels and makes it a little safer to buy-the-dip.

Even thought we are seeing some calm here, this could simply be the eye of the storm.  We need to use stop-losses to protect our account we jump in too early.  A stop-loss at 1495 provides a reasonable level of protection while still giving the market enough room to move around.  Everything I see still points to new highs before the end of the quarter and set your profit target accordingly.  The only question is if 1500 is the bottom or we need to dip down to 1475 first.

Alternate Outcome:
This pause could simply be a dead-cat bounce on the way lower.  The market is the most humbling contraption ever created and if too many traders are betting on the bounce, it will humiliate all of us by continuing the selloff.  Of course if I were in charge and my goals was to crush as many traders as I could, I would let the market rebound before sending it down for real.  Rather than just zing bull or bears, why not get them both at the same time?


AAPL daily at 1:19 EST

AAPL daily at 1:19 EST

AAPL is on pace to log its first green day in over a week.  While this is good, the lifeless sideways trade is showing little conviction supporting these gains.  As much as people hate to hear it, I still think there are new lows coming and any strength is a selling opportunity.

AMZN is doing its best to prove both bulls and bears wrong as it seems magnetically attracted to the 50dma.  Since everyone is expecting it to move one way or the other, the most frustrating trade is flat.  I don’t expect this will last and look for a break either way; buy $267 and sell $259.  Both the long and short trade have room to run; an upside breakout will make new highs and a dip will probably fall to the 200dma.  At this point it is a coin-flip and let the market show its hand first.

Stay safe

Feb 21

PM: Holding 1500 for now

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

Stocks find support at 1500 and finish off the day’s lows.  Is this the last chance to bail out before crash, or another golden buy-the-dip opportunity?  AAPL still cannot find a buyer and will likely see another leg lower before finally bottoming.


The slide continued and the market tested support at 1500.  It briefly traded under this key level, but was able to regain it by the end of the day.  Volume was elevated as selling flushed another round of previously complacent holders out of the market.

The absence of a huge wave of stop-loss selling after dipping to 1497 is encouraging.  The other benefit is this knocked out stop-losses right under 1500, relieving potential selling pressure going forward.  If we dip under 1500 tomorrow, it will be less of an event because many of those stop-losses are gone.  If the market cannot hold 1500, the next level of support is the 50dma around 1475.


Is this selloff just getting started and we should load up on shorts, or are these the last gasps of selling and we should buy-the-dip?

Last week I talked about the need to lighten up and take profits, and seven-consecutive up-weeks is about as far at the market goes without a red-week.  I didn’t say these things would lead to market crash, but a healthy and normal pullback as part of continuing higher.  So far I’ve been right about the first part and the second part still on track

The dramatic dip over the last two-days combined with the uneasiness many have had with this market lead to a large number of weak holders bailing out   Shorts are also pouncing on what they see as the obvious trade lower.  What is the most unexpected outcome after the biggest two-day losses in months?  New highs, and that is where we are headed.

If we hold 1500 Friday, that means most of the selling has already taken place.  Without new supply to keep pressuring prices, there is no place to go but higher.  Once the market recovers 1530, look for shorts and underweight traders to scramble on board the rally bandwagon, but ironically their buying will bring us one step closer to the dip that doesn’t bounce back.


Expected Outcome:
Rallies don’t simply roll over and die.  The change of power from bulls to bears is a messy process that includes lots of volatility.  We are seeing some of that volatility here, but we have not seen the last of the new highs yet.  I am not a raging bull, just an opportunistic trader.  I know markets don’t top like this and most often we see double-tops and head-and-shoulder reversal patterns.  The thing about both of these patterns is the market makes a new high after the initial selloff.  As the opportunistic trader, that means the high probability trade remains buying-the-dip.

Obviously we need to be careful when dealing with volatility like this, but if the market holds 1500 tomorrow, consider buying and holding through 1540 and using 1495 as a stop.  Depending on where we open, this is a pretty favorable risk/reward; 10-points of downside for 35-points of upside.  Of course if the market cannot hold 1500 in early trade, all bets are off and look for the market to test 1475, but then 1475 becomes the next buying opportunity.  If we cannot hold 1474, the rally is dead.

Alternate Outcome:
The market can keep sliding and that is a fact of life.   It doesn’t matter how creative and thoughtful our analysis is, the market is going to do what it wants to do.  We always need to use protective stops to mange risk incase we get the trade wrong.  But even if the market continues lower tomorrow, I still think this makes for a poor short.  If anyone is lucky enough to have short profits, harvest some of those gains because they might not be around much longer.

AMZN daily at end of day

AMZN daily at end of day


AAPL is back under $445.  The quick rebound everyone was hoping for is deader than dead and it will take a long period of healing before this stock recovers.  In fact there is probably one last flush lower before this stock finally finds a bottom.  The stock peaked on the nice round number of $700 and it might finally bottom on the nice round number of $400.  Of course that is one of the better outcomes.  A 50% selloff to $350 is not out of the realm of possibility as many high-fliers drop 50, 60, even 70% after peaking.  What cannot get any cheaper usually does.  People will point to the fundamentals, but the company and the stock are not the same thing.

Even with all the broad market weakness, AMZN is still hanging above the 50dma.  There is not a lot of cushion left, but the expected rebound in the indexes will drag AMZN along with it.  This is a speculative trade and not many people should own it here, but please don’t short it.  There are far easier ways to make money than argue logic with the market.  Same goes for LNKD and NFLX, what cannot go any higher usually goes higher.

Stay safe

Feb 21

AM: Testing support at 1500

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:31 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:31 EST

AM Update

Stocks dipped and are testing support at 1500.  We could see a little more weakness, but this is a buy-the-dip moment, and those piling on the short bandwagon are going to have a bad time.


There are two kinds of holders, those that sell a 2% pullback and those that don’t.  Today we find out how large each contingent is.  New buying largely dried up because anyone already reluctant to buy the recent rally is not rushing in when the market is “melting down”.  The key to this pullback rests firmly in the hands of holders and how many are running for the exits versus those saying this is no big deal.

So far all the headlines say “buy protection while it is cheap”, “the pullback could be ugly and deep”, “correction”, etc.  It really is hard to find anyone shouting “buy the dip”.  When everyone thinks this is the real correction, I’ll take the other side.  I’m not saying this is the bottom and no doubt we could easily see further selling, but I do think we will make new highs before the end of the quarter.  That makes this a buy-the-dip opportunity, we just need to find the right timing to buy that dip.

Real tops happen when everyone is complacent and buying the dips.  When the guy running around saying the sky is falling is labeled Chicken Little and ignored.  Right now the guy promoting the rebound is the oddball and more likely to be ridiculed than the one saying the market is on the verge of collapse.

Why this matters is it gives us insight into how traders are positioning their portfolio.  Anyone who expects a major selloff is already out of, or short stocks.  These were the people who sold yesterday, but once they are out, they no longer have vote in what direction the market goes.  The only people with a say are those still holding and those contemplating buying the dip.  Those are the two groups we need to focus on when determining how to trade this market.

So far holders sat through too-far, too-fast, a negative GDP number, and everyone knows sequester is just around the corner.  I think it will be harder to shake these core holders out and this wave of selling could be short-lived.  The market is already finding support at 1500 as the selling is temporarily abating.  We have to be careful of the stop-losses sitting under 1500 because that could trigger one last wave of selling, but that will be the last of it.  Once those autopilot sell orders work through the system selling will climax and we will bounce higher.

Holders are just half the equation, we also need to consider who will buy this dip.  There are a lot of big money managers still underweight this market, wishing they bought the rally back at 1500.  Here is their chance and no doubt some are taking advantage of it.  Expect the buying to intensify if the market starts making new gains and big money fears being left behind for a second time.

This rally since November is running out of steam and we are closer to the end, but this is not that end.  Look for a more typical double-top or head and shoulders pattern before we see a bigger pullback.  That means new highs in the near-term and this dip is buyable.


Expected Outcome:
I am looking for buying opportunities here, not shorting ones.   This selloff is too easy and once all the weak hands bailout, supply will dry up and we will continue higher.  I like going against the crowd, but that is different from catching a falling knife.  We need to look for a valid entry to buy back in.

The low of this pullback will be somewhere between 1500 and 1475.  If you are okay with another 25 points of weakness, buying now is not a bad thing.  Another strategy is putting a trailing buy-trigger just above the market.  Right now that could be 1506 or yesterday’s close of 1511.  This would let you ride the market down if it continues sliding, but will get you in when it is trying to rebound.  Another strategy is to wait a few days and let this market find and hold support. But either way I would not be short this market here, the high probability trade is a rebound, not a collapse.

Alternate Outcome:
The market can do whatever it wants and doesn’t stick to a standard playbook.  While most markets top with exhaustion, volatility, double-top, or head-and-shoulders, there is no rule that says it can’t just roll over one day and die.  While this is certainty a possibility  it is not the high-probability trade.  If you need a guarantee, get a savings account.  If you can handle a little risk when the odds are in your favor, look for the eventual top to be more consistent with history, making this a buy-the-dip opportunity.


AAPL just cannot find a bid and is now under $445 now.  That is a 10% decline in 10-days.  Buyers are just not showing up because everyone who wants this stock already has some.  The high-probability trade is waiting for new lows and swing-traders to jump in and buy the dip after the stock hits $430.  This could lead to another bounce to $450, but that will be a selling opportunity.  There are still far too many hopeful holders in this stock for it to rebound and it will take time and volatility to grind that out.  Some people won’t ever give up, like the CSCO holders waiting for the bounce back to $50.  But that is a vice, not a virtue in the markets.

Stay safe

Feb 20

PM: Shaken nerves

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

Today’s dip cleared the air of complacency and is making traders fearful again.  Is this the real selloff or just another buying opportunity?


Biggest selloff of the year, down 1.25% and finishing at the day’s low.  While 1.25% is noteworthy, it isn’t nearly as dramatic as some in recent memory that dipped multiple percent.  Volume was 20% above average and typical of a selloff that takes out several layers of stop-losses.

The market broke through minor support at 1525 before ending a few points under 1515.  The next major support level is 1500 and is more meaningful because it goes back nearly a month.  If we trade near this level, be wary of a dip under because a huge pile of automatic stop-losses will push a wave of new supply on the market.  If we still cannot find a floor there, the next level is the 50dma down at 1475.


We finally have the selloff everyone’s been waiting for, and that is why this isn’t the real deal.  No doubt we could see further weakness, but this rally will most likely end in a double-top.  While Tuesday set a new high, a 0.7% gain on average volume is hardly exhaustion.  But even if the rally is not dead, that doesn’t mean we should rush out and buy stocks because an intermediate dip could easily take us back to 1475.

The excuse for today’s selloff was dissent in the Fed minutes over when to withdraw stimulus.  This is a two or three-year story, not an imminent change in Fed easy-money policy, but just a hint of withdrawing liquidity was enough to send already paranoid traders to the exits.  After that, selling accelerated as we tripped automatic stop-losses.

Today’s dip rattled the market and it led to a lot of selling.  We are left wondering if this is just another buy-the-dip opportunity or the start of something larger?  While I can’t give you answers right now, there are clues we can look for to guide our trading over coming days.


Expected Outcome:
We have one of two likely outcomes, finding support tomorrow and bouncing back to 1530, or selling continues and we don’t find a bottom until 1475.  If the cascade of selling ends and we rebound, the rally is back on and look for a new high next week.  But if we keep taking out stops, don’t try to bottom-fish and let the market continue shaking out weak hands.

This market will eventually set a new high, the only question is if that is next week or next month.  Double-tops are one of the most common topping patterns and probability-wise we should expect this trade.  After that second top we can start looking for a bigger shorting opportunities, but until then take profits on shorts early and often.

Alternate Outcome:
Sometimes markets top without much fuss, but those are rare.  Usually we see elevated volatility accompanied by one last surge higher, a double top, or a head-and-shoulders.  Rarely do bulls simply give up and roll over without a fight.  While today could be the start of a bigger selloff, heading straight down from here is not the most likely outcome.


AAPL daily at end of day

AAPL daily at end of day

AAPL closed under $450 and has been down six-days in a row.  When the stock hit $485 last week, holders were most hopeful of a rebound when they should have sold.  The market loves to play head games and the most successful traders expect this; buy when you don’t want to buy and sell when you don’t want to sell.  If AAPL cannot find support at $450, new lows are just around the corner.  This is a swing-trading stock right now, not an investing one.  If you want to make money here, buy the dips and sell the rallies.

The market brought everything down with it, especially high fliers like NFLX, LKND, GOOG, and AMZN.  When the market has a bad day, there are few places to hide.  Look for these high-beta stocks to go down further than the market if broad weakness persists.

Stay safe

Feb 20

AM: Modest selling

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:19 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:19 EST

AM Update

Modest selling after making a new high.  AAPL is still searching for a support.


Stocks gave back some of yesterday’s gains in early trade, but are finding support around 1525.


This weakness is actually supportive of a continuation because it shows the market is still skeptical and chasing is not getting out of hand yet.  The trend to this point has been breakouts followed by sideways trade.  If the market holds these levels for a few days, look for another new high next week.

Yesterday’s surge into the close was largely driven by short covering and by itself is a temporary source of buying.  Now that shorts have covered, we need to find new people to buy this market.  Today’s restraint shows many traders still on the sidelines are holding back.  We will be close to the end when this dam of restraint finally breaks and buyers fight each other to get in the market.

Looking at the calendar, there are five-weeks until the end of the quarter.  Big money managers underweight this market and overweight AAPL are getting nervous, but they are hoping the expected market pullback and AAPL rebound will save their quarter.  They still have time to move into high-beta stocks to catch the market if they need to and the pressure won’t really set in for a couple of weeks.  Desperate money piling into high-beta stocks will cause some fireworks.  Of course the above scenario only applies if we keep making new highs into early March.


Expected Outcome:
While we need to exercise restraint here, the trend is still higher.  This is the time to be collecting winners, not initiating new positions or going short.    Each trade has a different risk profile and a good time to take profits is not automatically a good time to put on shorts.

The market is retesting support at 1525, which is normal and healthy.  If we hold this level for a few days, an aggressive and nimble trader could buy back in and squeeze a little more upside out of this market.  But for the average trader, its been a good run and there is not much left in this move.  We could continue up to 1550, but the risk of melting down increases by the day as the supply of available buyers is used up and lack of demand could trigger a larger wave of selling.  Is another 20-30 S&P500 points worth the risk?  For some yes,others no.

But that is the trade as it stands right now.  A modest dip and sideways trade for a week or two clears the way for a continued move higher and that is buyable for most traders.  I don’t know what the market will do and simply look for the best trade at any given time.  Today it is cautious optimism and restraint, but that could change next week if big money keeps buying every dip.

The hardest part of trading is selling winners on the way up and very few people trade this way.  But if most people don’t make money in the market, maybe we should consider using a different strategy than everyone else.

Alternate Outcome:
If the expected outcome is a little more upside, the alternate is an imminent collapse.  The sequestration fight is heating up and could take the air out of this market any minute now, but I don’t expect it.  Anyone who sold/shorted the Fiscal Cliff lost a lot of money and they are not about to repeat the same mistake here.  In fact, I’m wondering if we are seeing some buy-the-rumor, sell-the-news here as the market is rallying into an expected budget deal.  What is the least expected outcome?  A market selloff on a budget deal, and that is why we might actually see it.  This is pure speculation at this point, but the closer we get, the more clues we will have about the market’s intentions.


AAPL daily at 1:19 EST

AAPL daily at 1:19 EST

AAPL’s sell-the-news keeps on selling as the stock dipped under $450 this morning.  This is no longer a fundamental story, it is a supply and demand trade.  It doesn’t really matter what Apple the company does here, the stock is stuck in a rut because it cannot find new buyers.  This is the most widely owned stock by both retail and professional investors.  This means everyone who wants some already has more than they need, and beyond just a lack of demand, this also creates a huge pool of potential sellers.  Gigantic supply of potential sellers and small pool of available buyers is why this great company’s stock is down 35% in just a few months.

NFLX is seeing a little selling pressure here.  After running up nearly 100% since earnings, a pullback to $160 should be expected.  I’d still be afraid of shorting this stock because it is so heavily shorted it could pop 10% at any moment, but holding a long here is getting greedy.

AMZN put the hurt on more bears as it traded up to $275, but that squeeze didn’t last and it since pulled back to $270.  So far the stock looks like it wants to set a new high above $285.  What cannot go any higher usually keeps going higher.

Stay safe

Feb 19

PM: All is well with the world

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

The rally continues and all is well with the world.


Stocks jumped to fresh highs and finished at the top of the day’s range.  Volume was slightly above average.


The market is running in clean air, meaning we don’t have overhead resistance from regretful owners looking to get out at break-even.  Everyone with a diversified portfolio is sitting on profits and that is a big reason traders are willing to hold through modest pullbacks.

Many traders were burned by selling the post-election/Fiscal Cliff dip.  They also bailed after the Fiscal Cliff pop went “too-far, too-fast”.  But as the rally continued, most who sold anytime over the last several months have come to regret that decision.  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.  The sellers that bought back in and those that held through the dips are more confident in the market than they have been in quite some time.

What this means for the rest of us is this market will not collapse in a wave of panic selling.  It rallied on negative GDP and it clearly knows sequestration is just around the corner, but it doesn’t care.  If those headlines won’t spook this market, anything short of a terrorist nuclear bomb detonation will not dent it either.

If this Teflon market won’t fall on news, the only thing left is running out of buyers.  The calm and steady climb higher is seducing the remaining holdouts and momentum chasers and shorts covering provided much of the buying today on a headline-free jump to new highs.  This market is no longer trading on fundamentals, but supply and demand.  Holders are not selling and former cynics are chasing.  This is a recipe for price increases, but it is also a short-lived phenomenon.  We will eventually run out of chasers and the last people in the door will have little profit cushion, causing them bail at the first signs of weakness.

This chasing rally can last for weeks or even months, so don’t short this market.  But if we know what we are looking for, we will be better positioned to trade the top when it finally happens.


Expected Outcome:
There are two things the market can do tomorrow, continue higher or pullback to support and consolidate.  A continued surge is unsustainable and will end in an exhaustion top.  A modest pullback to support will spook out some of the momentum traders and tempt bears to re-short this market.  That repositioning clears the way for the sustainable grind higher.

Either way we are getting closer to the end of this run and it is better to be taking profits than initiating new positions.  The time to buy was two and a half months ago when the world was ending, not now when everything seems fine.  There is some upside left in the market, but holding out for top-dollar is often a fool’s game.  We are in this to make money and you can only do that by selling winners.  It is hard to close a position making money, but if the most successful traders sell too early, maybe we should do it too.

I sold half of my SPX trade late today.  I had a trailing stop that let me ride up to the close, but ending at the day’s highs made me take some profits off the table.  We could see this continue higher tomorrow and that will probably get me out of the rest of my position, but if we pullback and find support for a few days, I will look to buy back in.

Alternate Outcome:
Without a doubt this market could go higher and I probably sold too early, but that is what a disciplined trader does.  If this rally is sustainable, there will be other opportunities to get back in.  If it runs up in an exhaustion top, I’ll miss a few dollars of upside, but I would probably end up selling too late and miss the top anyway.  At least when I’m out of the market and have a clear head, I will be better positioned to look for the next trade.


AAPL fell under $460 early and while it recovered from the day’s lows, it was unable to close above $460.  Some of the focus on price levels seems arbitrary, but the power comes from other people trading these same levels.  If everyone looks at $460 as support and places their stop-loss at $459, when the stock dips under this level, it sets off a chain reaction of stop-loss selling.  That is exactly what sent AAPL to $453 in early trade.

Between $460 and $485 the stock is in no-man’s land.  If it cannot regain $460, look for new lows.  If it climbs above $485, look for a run back to $500.  $500 will be a major milestone and significant resistance, but if it breaks through and holds above this level, the rebound is real.

AMZN turned premature shorts upside down again.  In cases like this is it better to be a little late to avoid getting whipped around.  AMZN is a legitimate short, but wait for the stock to dip under the 50dma first.  As long as it holds above this level, the stock is still a buy.

NFLX is within a couple of dollars of $200.  We are getting close to the end of this run and look for a pullback and consolidation before continuing higher.  I still wouldn’t short this stock, but taking profits here after it ran 100% in a few weeks is the smart move.

GOOG daily at end of day

GOOG daily at end of day

GOOG is making new all-time highs in an apparent, “what is bad for Apple is good for Google”.  GOOG is a money-printing machine, but most people forget they don’t make any money selling Android phones; it all comes after the fact from mobile search.  Google’s financial statements don’t care if you buy an Android phone or an iPhone, because both use Google as the default search engine.  This can change as we saw with Apple producing their own mapping application, but after that fiasco, I suspect Apple will think long and hard about replacing Google’s search on the iPhone.  Until then don’t get too excited about Android market share gains on the iPhone because it will not translate to the bottom line.

Stay safe

Feb 19

AM: New highs again

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:23 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:23 EST

AM Update

New highs in the market as all is well with the world.  AAPL struggles with $460, AMZN is holding the 50dma, and NFLX is close to breaking $200.


The market made new highs in early trade and is holding those gains through midday.  What cannot go any higher keeps going higher.


No one wants to sell this market and anyone watching from the outside is developing second thoughts about sitting this one out.  There are few motivators more powerful than seeing everyone else make money and that is why so many former cynics are quickly forgetting their fear of heights.  The calm and complacency of the group is infectious and there are fewer and fewer people warning of imminent doom with each passing day.

The gradual shift in market sentiment is what heightened my senses.   There could easily be days and weeks left in this rally, but we are far closer to the end than the start.  From a risk versus reward analysis, the remaining reward is shrinking by the day and the risk becomes more and more real.  We could easily see another 25-points to the upside, but on a 180-point move from November’s lows, holding out for those last few percent could lead to “tripping over pennies”.  Buy when everyone is fearful and sell when everyone is greedy.


Expected Outcome:
The market is rallying here, but don’t become complacent.  This is not a time to short the market, but it is a good time to start locking in profits, especially if the rate of gains increases.  This would be the last of the holdouts chasing the market and once they buy-in, demand will dry up and we will finally have that pullback everyone’s been calling for.

It’s easy to predict the market because it always does the same things.  A pullback is a no-brainer because markets always pullback……eventually.  The money is made in correctly timing these moves and that is the hard part.  I don’t know exactly when this market will top, but I suspect it is coming.  No doubt I’ll get out of this market early, but I’m okay with that because top-picking is a fool’s game.

Alternate Outcome:
Markets often go further and longer than anyone expects.  We could see this rally continue higher for weeks, even months, but that doesn’t make it a high-probability trade.   This market has already gone further and longer than anyone expected, already up 60-points from the Fiscal Cliff pop.  We are approaching the point where cynicism gives way to greed and that is when markets top.

If someone wants to play both sides of the fence, a trailing stop is not a bad idea.  It leaves the door open to further gains, but locks in profits if the market does start dipping.


AAPL daily at 1:23 EST

AAPL daily at 1:23 EST

AAPL couldn’t hold $460 and stop-loss selling pushed it down to $453.  The real test will be if the stock can reclaim and hold $460 or if this level becomes resistance again.  The sell-the-news dip continues following last weeks push up to resistance at $485.  Last Tuesday Cook quashed hopes of an imminent increase to the dividend/buyback program and without that catalyst  the stock has drifted lower.  I still don’t know where the next buyer will come from or when the next revolutionary product will be released.  Until those questions can be answered, the stock will probably retest recent lows as it continues purging hopeful holders.

AMZN is finding buyers above the 50dma and the stock looks like it wants to keep defying bears and shorts.  Owning AMZN here is a pure speculation trade and based entirely on the next greater fool theory, but it seems likely that greater fool will be shorts rushing to cover as the stock trades back above $270.  This stock will unravel at some point, but it is a bad short right here.

NFLX continues its assault on $200 and is less than $10 away.  Anyone who thought the 30% post-earnings pop was waaaaay over done missed a great trade.  Remember, the contrarian trade isn’t going against the chart, it is going against the crowd.  If the crowd thinks something went “too-far, too-fast”, the contrarian trade is betting on a continuation.

Stay safe

Feb 18

LA: What to look for

By Jani Ziedins | Weekly Analysis

S&P500 weekly at end of week

S&P500 weekly at end of week

Look Ahead

How far can this streak of up weeks continue and where is the incremental AAPL buyer going to come from?


Stocks were up for the seventh consecutive week.  Over the last few years this is as long as any streak lasted and we should expect a red-week simply based on historical precedent.  While I’m sure there are many times over the last 100-years where the market strung together a larger number of winning weeks, trading is a game of probabilities and we need to trade what is most likely, not what is possible.


The recent rally and absence of volatility is making the market feel safe, something we need to fear.  I’m not promoting a crash, simply a red-week or two to keep traders on their toes.  How people respond to the dip will tell us how far it will go.  If the prevailing attitude is complacency and buy-the-dip, look for a deeper pullback.  If everyone starts yelling fire and rushing for the exits, look for another quick rebound.

The rule of thumb is trade the opposite of what most expect.  The sharp pullbacks to 1,500 two-weeks ago got traders attention and excited bears.  This was finally the pullback everyone was waiting for, but the market rebounded and is now 20-points higher.  That episode ago humiliated bears and sellers who jumped on the pullback bandwagon only to watch the market pop higher.  Now this group of potential sellers is less likely to pile on board a similar dip in the future.

This matters because nervous sellers and shorts have a limited war-chest and run out of ammunition quickly if bigger money doesn’t join the selling.  That is exactly what happened two-weeks ago.  But what happens if the nervous sellers are already out of the market and bears are reluctant to re-short the market?  That means the next dip isn’t manufactured selling, but real selling.  This is the fundamental difference between a buying-the-dip opportunity and a real market reversal.  If you know who is selling, you have a better chance of accurately anticipating the move.

The above scenario describes the way these things normally play out.  I’m not exactly sure where we are in this process and that is why we need to keep looking for clues from the market’s behavior.  The trend remains higher, but we need to be increasingly cautious with each passing day.


Expected Outcome:
Look for a small red week this week or next simply because history says this is about as far as these things normally go.  This could be a small pullback, or the start of something bigger.  We need to keep a close eye on how the market and sentiment responds to any weakness, looking for clues on where this market is headed.

Alternate Outcome:
While seven up-weeks is a lot, it is not impossible for us to string together several more.  The momentum is clearly higher and reluctant buyers are finally starting to wade in.  Their buying will keep propping up the market until they run out of money and that will be when the market finally noses over.  Running out of buyers, not complacency is what finally causes a market to top.

The outcome I am most hoping for is a strong push higher because that is unsustainable, will clearly signal an intermediate top, and be an attractive place to short the market.  This grinding higher stuff is far harder to predict and time.

AAPL weekly at end of week

AAPL weekly at end of week


AAPL is struggling again and the last few weeks of buying sucked in many of the bottom-pickers.  The question any AAPL bull has to answer is who is the next buyer that will keep the rebound going?  Markets are driven by supply and demand, so where is this new demand going to come from if all the AAPL bulls already own the stock?

My opinion is there is still too much hope and optimism left in the stock to stage a quick recovery.  The most likely scenario is the most loved stock will need to become the most hated stock before selling and hope finally exhaust themselves and the stock can bottom.  The other red flag is any weakness felt by the broad market will be exacerbated in AAPL shares.

Stay safe

Feb 17

WR: Amnesia

By Jani Ziedins | Weekly Analysis

S&P500 weekly at end of week

S&P500 weekly at end of week

Weekly Review


Stocks closed flat for the week, up less than 2-points.  The range was tight, 0.7%, with a low of 1514 and high of 1525; both of these levels representing near-term support and resistance.

Exchange volume was right around average, but since it was option expiration week, volume was actually a little light.  The slow trade allowed the 10-week moving average to catch up and it is now just 48-points under the market and the slower moving 50-week moving average is trailing by 110 points.


Holders have not been interested in selling this market.  We’ve seen multiple dips to support, but nothing achieves critical mass and inevitably rebounds quickly.  If there was one trade that worked well with the indexes the last couple months, it’s buying anything, dips or not.  A few weeks ago traders were afraid of this too-far, too-fast market, but now that every sale, stop-loss, and short has been a mistake, cynics are finally coming around.  But the thing to be careful of is this shift in sentiment is what causes an intermediate market top; after everyone buys, demand dries up, and stocks dip.

There were tons of reasons not to buy this market a few weeks ago, but a relentless series of new highs is giving traders amnesia.  Everyone isn’t sold on this market yet, but they are coming over in larger numbers with each passing day.  How much longer this can keep up is the big question.

I don’t expect the market to collapse because there are still too many cynics remaining, but there is no more effective persuader than seeing everyone else make money.  This means there are two ways we can move ahead.  One is directly and the other is after a nerve rattling dip.  Straight up will suck in the last of the fence-sitters and exhaust demand in one final push higher.  Typically this happens on the largest weekly gains we’ve seen since the early days of the rally.  This would be the quickest route to a material pullback.

The slower, but more sustainable trade would be dipping dramatically to flush out some of this new-found complacency.  To continue sustainably the market needs to shake out recent buyers and tempt aggressive bears to short the market.  Once this limited selling runs its course, look for the market to find support and resume its rally.  A mid-rally dip like this could last a couple of weeks before resuming higher, but expect it to feel like the real selloff because that sense of panic is what will refresh the rally.


Expected Outcome:
Look for near-term weakness from a sustainable rally or a strong push higher out of a topping pattern.  We are half way through the first quarter, meaning there are at most six-weeks left in this move, and possibly less.  The conservative trade is taking profits and the aggressive trade is squeezing out a little more.  If you like sleeping at night sell some stocks, if you enjoy the thrill of the chase, tighten up your stops and get ready to hang on.

The advantage of selling into strength is you don’t have to guess if a dip is just a dip or the start of a real selloff.  Chances are weakness next week will be another buying opportunity, but there are no guarantees and the aggressive trader will have to decide wither or not to sell.

Alternate Outcome:
The market is not always predictable and a strong break higher could be a buying opportunity, but that is a low probability trade and one I’ll just have to sit out.  I don’t need to make all the money, just the easy stuff.

AAPL weekly at end of week

AAPL weekly at end of week


AAPL finally had a down-week after two-weekly gains following the post-earnings plunge.  Was this two-week rebound the dead-cat bounce or is this week’s weakness just a dip on the way higher?  The stock ran into psychological resistance at $485 and is currently retesting support at $460.  A dip under $460 would trigger more stop-loss and short-selling, pushing the stock back down to recent lows of $430.  To resurrect this stock from the dead, it will need to regain and hold $500, but in the near-term the stock will make for a far better swing-trade than buy-and-hold investment.  Buy the dips and sell the rallies and the stock swings between extremes of hope and despair.

Stay safe

Feb 15

PM: Complacency creeping in

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

The S&P500 finished the week nearly where it started and volatility dropped off dramatically.  AAPL is testing support at $460 and AMZN is trying to find a direction.


Stocks traded flat again with support near 1515 and resistance at 1525.  This was the fourth-day within this 10-point range  as volatility virtually disappeared   Obviously this cannot last and it will be interesting to see if the rally uses this quiet period to launch another move higher, or a plunge lower to shakeout complacent and greedy holders.


The market is stuck in this tight range because 1) no one is buying and 2) no one is selling.  Obviously this is only figurative because we had 37 million shares change hands on an options expiration Friday, but for every seller there was an equally willing buyer.

It will be interesting to see how the market trades next week since many trader’s put protection expired today.  This could make it easier to shake these previously steady holders out of their position and would add to down-side volatility next week.  But this factor might be mitigated by the increasing complacency and greed felt by current holders.  Every dip since November has been a buying opportunity and anyone shaken out in a bout of weakness was made to regret that emotional impulse as the market bounce back not long after.  This shame over selling prematurely makes traders less likely to sell the next dip and explains a lot of the recent reluctance for holders to sell dips.

Obviously complacency and greed is a key component of a market top, but they do not lead to a top immediately. A prevailing sense of complacency and greed brings in the last of the reluctant buyers and that forms the top of the market.  Even though we are getting complacent here, there are still reluctant traders left to push the market higher.  Their final buying will likely trigger that last surge higher before the market corrects.


Expected Outcome:
While we are still looking for one last push higher, we might see another dramatic selloff along the way.  The market hates being easy and right now it is pretty darn easy to buy-and-hold.  I have little doubt some heart racing volatility is around the corner, but it won’t get too carried away, maybe a precipitous drop to 1505 before bouncing back.  Tops usually get more volatile as the battle between the bears and bulls evens out and the market’s indecision intensifies.  For those with a weak stomach, it would be far easier to sell into some strength and wait for the next buying opportunity.

Alternate Outcome:
The market could plunge, takeoff, or stay flat next week.  If this predicting stuff were easy we would all be rich right now.  We evaluate the situation, make our best guess, place our bets, and then wait for confirmation or invalidation, and that is what we need to do here.  There is no reason to trade this late in the market rally and often holding out for the last few dollars causes people to give back all their earlier profits.


AAPL daily at end of day

AAPL daily at end of day

AAPL dipped to $460.  While not a long-term support level, it has been a key level since earnings last month, initially providing overhead resistance and now acting as support.  There are many people trading this same level, so a dip under could trigger a wave of stop-losses and short selling, intensifying pressure on the stock.  If the stock bounces here and breaks above $485, that would qualify as making higher-highs and higher-lows, which would be extremely bullish.  Unfortunately sentiment wise there is still too much optimism and hope in the stock to have realistically put in a long-term bottom.

LNKD and NFLX continue inching higher on the backs of pessimists.  Short these at your own peril.

AMZN pulled back to the 50dma but found support for the time being.  A lot of traders are watching this level and look for a move in either direction to pick up speed as swing-traders jump on whichever bandwagon shows up first.

Stay safe

Feb 15

AM: Another day of quiet trade

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at 1:15 EST

AM Update

Stocks are holding recent levels in quiet trade.  AAPL is holding support at $460, but technicals still indicate a downtrend.  AMZN is building a trade around its 50dma, we just have to wait and see what that trade is.


Stocks were up in early trade, but hit their head on 1525 and are down midday.  1525 seems to be resistance and 1515 support.  We will watch to see which of these levels gets taken out first but I wouldn’t buy/sell a break through either level because the probabilities of a head fake are high and these are minor technical levels.


The low volatility drift higher continues.  While the market is bouncing up and down, it is doing so within fractions of a percent and more likely the result of random noise than meaningful trade.  What we know for sure is the market continues creeping higher through these gyrations and the trend remains intact.


Expected Outcome:
While this market is closer to topping, don’t try to short it here because the rally is still alive and has some upside left.  On the other side, longs need to start building a plan to lock in profits.  I find it easier to sell into strength, but trailing stops work too.  If you are sitting out of this market, it is a bit late for anything other than quick day trades.  The market could rally sharply from here, but that will be the end of the run, not the start of the next leg.  If the market consolidates and/or pulls back slightly, that will refresh the market and make a good entry point, but if it races ahead, resist the temptation to chase.

Alternate Outcome:
If the expected outcome is caution, the alternative trade is reckless abandon.  While a several percent move higher seems likely and could be profitable if timed exactly right, it will be part of a topping pattern and not the start of a new leg higher.  If someone needs to trade this market, stay nimble.  The more comfortable people become with this market, the more nervous we should be.


AMZN daily at 1:15 EST

AMZN daily at 1:15 EST

AAPL is down, but still holding above $460.  Volume tapered off the last couple days as both buyers and sellers are taking a break.  Technicals show the downtrend remains intact as the stock continues making lower-lows, and lower-highs and is solidly underneath the 50dma.  Without a doubt this stock will rebound at some point, but when in doubt stick with the trend.  As for a trade, sell a break under $460 and buy a pop above $485.

AMZN is dipping but still has a several dollar cushion above the 50dma.  If someone bought the break above the 50dma, they still have some breathing room, but get out if the stock cannot hold the 50dma.  Holding the 50dma is obviously bullish, but a break under the 50dma could be shorted, but only for a couple of days because it is likely to bounce.  Failing to hold the 50dma for a third time setup a longer short trade.

Stay safe

Feb 14

PM: Another new closing high

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update


Stocks opened at 1514 and rallied through the day, finishing above 1520.  While we missed a new intra-day high, it did notch a new closing high as the slow grind higher continues.


As the market inches higher, the calls for a pullback get quieter by the day.  I don’t think everyone is sold on this market, but the cynics are not nearly as vocal after getting their nose relentlessly bloodied day after day.  This is all part of the normal progression through the life-cycle of a market move.  With each passing day bears and cynics are throwing in the towel and joining the rally bandwagon.  Their buying is the fuel that is propping up this market, but once the last have changed sides, demand will dry up and the market will finally nose over.


Expected Outcome:
While there are no clear signals to sell yet, we need to be increasingly vigilant.  This market will top in coming weeks and we need to be ready for it.  It might happen as early as next week or it could drag on through the end of the first quarter, but either way the writing is on the walls .  Look for the inability to hold support or the biggest weekly price gains since this rally began.  Those will be the signs to get out.

Fund managers are judged by their quarterly performance and the longer the rally goes, the less time managers have to catch the market before the end of the first quarter.  A pullback will be a huge relief for many professional money managers, but will most likely be the reason it won’t happen.  Managers behind the eight ball are buying every dip in an effort to catch this market, but if you get too many people buying dips, there are no dips to buy.  That behavior explains why the move higher has been so smooth.

Alternate Outcome:

Clearly there is no rule that say rallies can only last 12 to 16 weeks and obviously there are countless examples over the last 100 years that lasted a lot longer.  But trading is a game of probabilities and we need to trade the most likely outcome.  It is entirely possible this rally goes for a couple more months, but the odds are against it.


AAPL is finding support in the lows $460s.  Holding here and using $460 as a stop is a reasonable way to trade the rebound.  But if the market breaks $460, look for a wave of stop-loss selling from a lot of other like-minded traders.  I’m still suspicious of this stock because supply and demand is stacked against it.  If everyone thinks this is a great value and already own the stock, where are the new buyers going to come from?

Stay safe

Feb 14

AM: Cautious optimism

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:22 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:22 EST

AM Update

S&P500 bounces off of support at 1515 and AAPL is finding buyers in the $460 range.  AMZN, NFLX, and LNKD continue proving the cynics wrong as they keep gaining.


The market opened lower, but rallied off of 1514, again finding support near the 1515 level.  What was resistance a couple of weeks ago is providing support here.


Josh commented a couple posts ago that while exchange volume returned on Tuesday, trading volume on the SPY remains suspiciously light.  This is a really interesting observation and it might give us further insight into this market.  The SPY is a trading vehicle for speculation and hedging, not investing.  This can be seen by the SPY’s ridiculously high turnover rate of just 5 days.  Following volume on the SPY provides great insight into what traders are doing, separate from longer-viewed investors.

One possible explanation for the low volume on SPY is traders are afraid to buy this market and just as fearful of shorting it.  Since short squeezes have been a big part of what pushed this market higher, we might not have that same bid above the market going forward.  If that is the case, this market will need to draw in new buyers to keep moving higher.


Expected Outcome:
Without a doubt the market is approaching the end of its run and an intermediate top is weeks and a handful of points away.  The safer this market feels with its steady climb higher, the more nervous it makes me.  I’m not ready to give up yet, but I am less confident and more paranoid than I was a couple of weeks ago.  One of the hardest part of trading is knowing when to take a winner.  We should be giving that more thought here than what positions to add.

Alternate Outcome:
If the expected trade is promoting caution, then the alternate is going all in.  Markets often move further and longer than most expect and undoubtedly this one has already don that, jumping over 120 points in less than two months. But are we seeing skepticism grow or fade the higher this thing goes?  I’m still waiting for that large weekly price gain, but am actively looking for an exit.  It is always better to be out of the market wishing you were in, than in the market wishing you were out.


AAPL is finding support at $460 and trying to regain upward momentum after two days of selling.  $460 is a good line in the sand to use as a stop-loss for a long trade, but if this is an obvious stop-loss, other traders will use it and the stock could trigger another wave of selling if it dips to under it.

LNKD daily at 1:22 EST

LNKD daily at 1:22 EST

After some early weakness, AMZN is fining buyers willing to support the break above the 50dma and recent gains.  This stock is not done humiliating bears and get in its way at your own peril.

LNKD and NFLX continue dining on fresh bear meat as they push to new breakout highs.  Remember, the contrarian trade isn’t going against the price, it is going against the crowd.  If the crowd thinks these are ridiculously overpriced stocks and bound to crash, then the contrarian trade is betting on the continuation.

Stay safe

Feb 13

PM: Is this too easy?

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

PM Update

New highs in an otherwise quiet day.   AAPL continues struggling for direction and high-fliers keep humiliating bears.


Stocks traded up to 1525, fell to 1515, and finished the day back at 1520.   1525 set another new high and 1515 held recent support.


While we set another new high, don’t let the dull trade lull us into complacency.  The trend remains higher, but we could see near-term weakness test our resolve.  A pullback to 1505 should be expected and we need to plan on how we will respond.  Proactive traders could lock-in profits on the way up and look to buy after the market finds support.  Traders who like to sit through a little volatility can continue holding, but they have the harder task of  recognizing the difference between healthy pullbacks and topping.  And lastly, buy-and-hold should keep holding because that is what they do.  Of course even buy-and-hold investors benefit from shorter timeframe analysis because it helps them mentally prepare for the emotional dips that could tempt them into selling at the exact wrong time.

At most this rally has six-weeks left in it and we need to come up with an exit plan for taking profits.  So far we’ve resisted the temptation to get shaken out between too-high, too-fast and the volatile dips last week, but it will all be for naught if we stick around too long.  The November bottom was twelve-weeks ago and we have been above the 50dma for six-weeks.  While I’m still waiting for the high volume price gains, I am becoming increasingly suspicious of this market and inching closer to the door.


Expected Outcome:
Stick with what is working, but start working on an exit plan.  We’re in this to make money, not own stocks, and we can only do that by selling and taking profits.  My preference is to sell early because it prepares me mentally to buy the next dip.  Holding past the top is always a head game because there is regret at not selling sooner and hope that prices will bounce back.  All of this clouds judgement and prevents a trader from identifying the next great trade.

Alternate Outcome:
Technically this rally could last forever, but practically speaking three to four months is the most these things go before they run out of new buyers and have a material selloff that refreshes the larger bull rally.  We’ve seen countless selloffs of 100-200 points over the last four-years and this year will be no different.  While the trade is obvious, getting the timing right is where all the money is made.


Much like the market, AAPL rallied, sold off, and finished near flat.  Inability to break above $485 is noteworthy and while most are treating this as a fundamental and event-driven story, it really is still a supply and demand trade.  As long as everyone is promoting the attractive valuation, it means the hopeful have not been flushed out yet.  Why this matters is everyone who likes AAPL already owns it, meaning there are few new buyers left.  If someone isn’t interested at an obscene valuation, they probably won’t be impressed with a doubly-obscene valuation either.

AMZN daily at end of day

AMZN daily at end of day

AMZN popped today and the cynics were out in force.  That explains why the stock finished at the top of the day’s range.  AMZN is AAPL’s mirror twin.  Everyone loves AAPL and it keeps going lower while everyone hates AMZN and it keeps going higher.  This is totally irrational behavior if you look at it from a fundamental and valuation basis, but bring supply and demand into the picture and now it makes total sense.  AMZN isn’t done humiliating bears and look for the rally to continue.

NFLX and LNKD also rallied through the day and these stocks are trading like they want to go higher.  It will be a wild ride, but $200 is easily within reach for NFLX.  After it hits that milestone we will reevaluate sentiment and see if attitudes in the stock have changed.  $180 is in the cards for LNKD.  If there is one takeaway from these posts, please don’t short explosive stocks.  That is a great way to go broke.  These might or might not be a good buy, but they are definitely not a short.  But some people prefer to learn their lessons the hard way.

FOSL’s strength faded and it is retesting support.  Keep this one on a really short leash and any further weakness means institutional money is not supporting this stock.  Don’t go down with the ship if it cannot hold support.

Stay safe


Feb 13

AM: More constructive trade

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

AM Update

The S&P500 continues finding support near recent highs.  AAPL is struggling for direction.  AMZN popped above the 50dma plus a few other individual stock stories below.

S&P500 daily at 1:18 EST

S&P500 daily at 1:18 EST


Stocks gaped up at the open, sold off to break-even by midday, and are attempting a rebound as I write this.  Nothing new or insightful from this price-action and the previous analysis and expectations of a continuation remain intact.


Any selling widely viewed as the start of an expected pullback will not turn into said pullback.  This rally will top, but it will happen when everyone is convinced it is another buy-the-dip opportunity, and we are not there yet.

So far this Q1 is a carbon copy of last year’s Q1.  Last year’s rally kept going and going until everyone gave up fighting it and that is when it finally nosed over.  People will point to some fundamental story that broke last year’s market, but the truth is fundamentals can only break the market when it is already setup to fall.  We have all witnessed when markets reacted counterintuitively to a major story and that is because the underlying supply and demand was setup for a different direction.  When fundamentals and supply and demand disagree, always go with supply and demand.


Expected Outcome:
Some weakness is normal and healthy.  Anyone rushing for the exits or piling on the shorts because the market dipped a few points is going to have a bad time.  Markets top on complacency, not fear, and as long as traders keep predicting the top, it won’t happen.

Alternate Outcome:
The end of this rally is coming and the market doesn’t always follow a set playbook.  There are countless examples of markets topping without a surge of buying that exhausts demand, but we are playing a game of probabilities.  If most rallies top on high volume, that becomes the basis for a high-probability trade.  We could be wrong, but if we trade this way over a long period of time, we will win more often than we lose and that is the key to succeeding in the markets.


Quite a bit of indecision in AAPL as it struggles for direction.  The stock opened low, surged higher, and is now drifting lower.  While the technical rally attempt is still intact, we can probably say the fundamental justification for the rally, an imminent dividend and buyback increase, is dead.  Can this rebound continue without its rally cry   As it stands, I see no fundamental or supply and demand reason for this stock to rebound here and I continue expecting lower prices.

AMZN daily at 1:18 EST

AMZN daily at 1:18 EST

AMZN broke above the 50dma on elevated volume.  Anyone who jumped on the short bandwagon is having a bad day.  Same goes for those that bought unconfirmed 50dma support and were chased out by the recent pullback.  Going forward, anyone looking for a good entry into AMZN, here is your shot.  Put your stop near $260, but this bounce should not fall back under the 50dma.  If it does, consider selling before it reaches $260.

NFLX is recovering from a few days of selling.  Any bears who used this weakness as a shorting opportunity are second guessing that decision and many are buying back their shorts, adding fuel to the rally.  These stories go further and longer than most expect and bears would be better off burning a pile of cash in their driveway than shorting a strong stock.  Maybe NFLX is overvalued here, but that doesn’t mean the market will recognize that any time soon.

LNKD is finding buyers at these higher levels and this is supportive of a continuation.  The market obviously doesn’t care what its P/E is and neither should you.  Anyone shorting this stock because of the P/E should just send their money to me and I promise to put it to better use.  No doubt this stock could crater here, but that doesn’t make shorting LNKD a good trade, just a lucky one.  The difference between luck and a good plan is luck always runs out.

FOSL is having a bad day.  We will see if it respects support at $102.  If a stock falls more than a few percent under the pivot, then the chances of success diminish dramatically.  Success in the market is not about being right all the time, but how a trader responds when wrong.

Stay safe