Jul 28

Finishing flat

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks recovered early losses to finish flat.  Volume was below average, even by summer standards.

Last week we failed to breakout; today we failed to breakdown.  Seems those with cash don’t want to buy new highs and those with stock are uninterested in selling weakness.  Until someone decides to do something we will continue trading sideways in this developing trading range between 1,960 and 1,990.

Wile bears are pointing to a dozen different reasons we should selloff, the market already knows them and doesn’t care.  Free-markets are exceptionally efficient at pricing in new information and events in Ukraine and Palestine are ancient news.  While either of these situations could deteriorate dramatically, it would take something even more shocking than downing a civilian airliner to get the market’s attention.

While there is little doubt this market will pullback at some point, the hard part is figuring out when.  Some are making seemingly bold predictions of a 20% pullback in the next 12-months, but what happens if we go up 30% before the expected correction?  Knowing what the market will do next is easy, getting the timing right is where all the money is made and a “sometime over the next 12-month” prediction isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Expected Outcome:
Given the opportunity to both breakout to new highs and test support in recent days, the market instead chose to do nothing.  It seems like it wants to consolidate in this 1,960 to 1,990 trading range over the near-term.

Alternate Outcome:
This morning’s bounce could be little more than an automatic buy-the-dip reflex, but if we are running out of dip buyers, the market will let us know when it fails to hold 1,960 support.

Trading Plan:
The market is not giving us a lot to trade.   Since we are still in an uptrend, we should give bulls the benefit of the doubt, but as far as risk/reward goes, it feels like a coin-toss and we should wait for better odds.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jul 22

Challenging record highs

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Analysis

Stocks tested recent highs near 1,985, but failed to set a new closing high.  The last few weeks of sideways trade allowed the rapidly rising 50dma to catch up and we are now less overbought than the last time we found ourselves up here.

While we are back near the highs, market participants are far less giddy this time.  Conflict in Israel and Ukraine are keeping traders on edge, but the truth is these headlines are already old news as far as the market is concerned.  Anyone who fears these situations already sold.  Those who bought during this uncertainty showed an appetite for risk and willingness to hold the volatility.  And of course as we’ve seen in previous dips, the vast majority of owners have no interest in selling no matter what the headlines shout.  While all the talking heads try to scare us with this or that, without sellers this market will continue to defy gravity.

But that is the near-term assessment.  Over longer time frames it is hard to think of the catalyst that will drive the next bull leg higher.  Typically markets climb the proverbial wall of worry.  This is when prices are oversold as traders fear the worst.  Then there is a gradual thaw and markets rally as traders change their mind and slowly buy back in.  But we find ourselves with the opposite condition, everyone is fat, dumb, and happy.  With everyone so content, there are fewer and fewer people left to change their mind and buy in at ever higher prices.  While the momentum is clearly higher, we are on thin ice.

Expected Outcome:
We are a few points from record highs and the resulting short-covering and breakout buying that will push us toward 2,000.  After that, it is anyone’s guess what comes next.  Maybe it is one last surge in a double top.  Maybe we’ll pullback modestly and continue consolidating.  Or will we surge higher and never look back?  Only time will tell as we watch to see how traders respond to the breakout.

Alternate Outcome:
Many traders expect us to hit 2,000, but often the market gives us the opposite of what the crowd expects.  Today’s failed breakout could be all we get before retesting support at 1,950.

Trading Plan:
It is too early to be short this market since it is completely ignoring bearish headlines.  No matter what people think it should do, it keeps going higher and we must respect that.  1,950 is turning into a major technical support level and breaking through that will force us to reevaluate our outlook, but until then assume the uptrend is intact and plan your trades accordingly.

Plan your trade; trade your plan.

Jul 17

Buy the dip?

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks plunged on a double dose of international headlines.  The S&P500 gave up more than 1%, making this the biggest selloff in multiple months.  In spite of anxious selling, we are still above 1,950 support and curiously, the volume was the lowest we’ve seen in three days.

Clearly this was a sell first, ask questions later kind of day, but the relatively light volume is noteworthy for such an outsized move.  There are two ways to interpret this.  Either there are still a lot of hopeful owners left to drive out of the market, or alternately, most owners are not interested in selling these headlines and today’s move was driven by a small minority impulsively reacting to headlines.

As for the individual headlines, anyone paying attention over the last few years knows there are periodic flare-ups between Israel and the Palestinians and tensions have been coming to a head in recent days.  This shouldn’t be a big surprise and it is unlikely to lead to a material disruption in the US economy or earnings for US listed equities.  While these stories are never pleasant, we’ve been here before and few people will change their economic forecast based on these events.  That means this headline is largely a non-issue for US markets.

What happened in Ukraine is quite a bit different.  Shooting down a civilian airliner is anything but routine and it clearly escalates the tension between the East and West.  While many feel this will deteriorate the already fragile situation, I’ll take the other side.  This tragedy could actually defuse things.  If it turns out Russia or Pro-Russian separatists were involved, that creates an indefensible position for Putin and he will have little choice but to dial back his rhetoric.  This was an appalling act and there is no way he can defend the people who pulled the trigger, killing nearly 300 innocent people.  Putin could very well distance himself from the separatists following this cowardly act and without their major ally, their resistance will likely fizzle.

But even if tensions remain elevated in Ukraine, the market came to terms with these risks months ago when the situation first developed.  Honestly I think we should be more fearful of what is going on in Iraq than who fired the missile today.  If the market doesn’t care about what is happening in Iraq, then this Ukraine story won’t matter in a couple of days either.

Expected Outcome:
While these clouds will likely pass once most traders realize they will have limited impact on corporate earnings, we could see near-term weakness as traders continue selling before thinking.  But given how quickly the market blew off more serious headlines out of Iraq and Portugal, I doubt today’s weakness will last more than a couple of days and this creates yet another buying opportunity.

Alternate Outcome:
The market has largely been ignoring escalating geopolitical risks.  At some point hoping for the best will no longer work and we could be in the middle of that if the situation Israel and Ukraine continues to deteriorate.

Trading Plan:
Support lies back at 1,950.  While we might dip under this key level if selling continues early Friday, closing above it is supportive of this market.  It tells us the wave of reactive selling has stalled and we likely have another buyable dip on our hands.  But if we slice through 1,950 and keep going, all bets are off and a test of 1,920 support seems likely.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jul 16

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks closed above 1,980 for the first time in a couple of weeks, leaving us within a few points of all-time highs.  While the market trades sideways, the upward sloping 50dma and 200dma are quickly gaining ground.

The market no one wants to trust keeps holding strong.  Many traders admit they think stocks have come too far, but they are reluctant to sell because every time they sold over the last year and a half, they watched the market rebound higher without them.

This is the foundation of the “next greater fool” theory in investing.  The logic goes, “I know this is overvalued, but I will buy it anyway because I know someone else will come along later and pay even more for it.”  Traders have a natural fear of heights, but this resilient bull market is making many are more afraid of being left behind than losing money.  This is why so many continue chasing all-time highs and not selling bearish headlines, even though they don’t trust this market.  But like every game of musical chairs, if you stick around too long, you’ll be the one that gets left out.

Expected Outcome:
We are four points from triggering another short-squeeze.  While there is no reason to trust this market, it is giving us every indication it wants to go higher.  Even if we are setting up a bearish double-top, we still need to set new highs first.

Alternate Outcome:
At some point we will run out of dip-buyers.  Maybe that day is tomorrow.  Maybe it won’t happen until next year.  But every dip that gets bought brings us one step closer to the one that doesn’t.  Failure to set new highs this week will be an ominous sign.

Trading Plan:
Both bulls and bears should expect new highs in coming days.  The only disagreement will be what to do next.  Bulls should use a trailing stop to protect recent profits.  Bears should wait a couple of days before jumping in front of this bounce.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jul 15

Running out of sellers

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks bounced between 1,980 and 1,965, but spent most of the day in the red and finished in the middle of this range.  Volume was above average and the highest we’ve seen in a couple of weeks.

We were having a good morning until Janet Yellen started speaking to Congress.  From there we plunged more than 15-points as she shared her views of a fragile recovery and asset bubbles in the market.  That was enough for some traders to hit the sell button and send the market lower midday.

To figure out where we go from here we need to understand who was selling, buying, and holding this move.  It really doesn’t seem like Yellen shared anything new in her testimony, so fundamental traders are unlikely to change their outlook based on what she said.  That means most of the activity came from reactive traders responding to the negative commentary and technical/momentum traders selling the weakness and dip under Monday’s close.  But following the initial wave of reactive selling, supply dried up as a wider group of owners chose not to join the liquidations.  This group held through multiple conflicts in the Middle East and Easter Europe, brushed off Portuguese bank defaults, as well as every other bearish headline to hit the wires recently.  From that frame of reference, it seem unlikely Yellen stating the obvious would convince them to sell today either.

Expected Outcome:
Holders keep holding and until something changes, expect the resulting tight supply to prop up prices.  Today’s volume was elevated as reactive traders dumped shares, but those buying the discount showed a willingness to jump in front of these headlines and weak price action.  If these dip-bueyers are more confident than the reactive sellers they replaced, expect supply to get even tighter in coming days.  Swift selloffs are swift and holding 1,950 for four days is anything but swift.

Alternate Outcome:
If we violate support near 1,950, that means we ran out of dip-buyers and there are few things that rattle nerves like a screen filled with red.  Breaking technical support could trigger a larger wave of stop-loss selling and send us to 1,925.

Trading Plan:
We are stuck in no-man’s land between recent highs at 1,985 and lows at 1,950.  Holding last week’s bounce for another day show buyers and owners are comfortable with these levels and we exhausted the supply of sellers.  But fail to hold 1,950 on Wednesday makes a test of the 50-dma likely.  Plan your trades accordingly.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jul 14

Extending bounce

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks extended Thursday’s bounce off of 1,950 with modest gains on light volume.

While not many traders participated this low-volume move higher, what is more important is confident owners chose not to sell the rebound.  As long as owners are willing to hold no matter what the headlines proclaim, it is really hard for a correction to take hold without supply.  And that is why, much to the chagrin of bears, this market continues to climb on weak volume in spite of all the ominous headlines.  No supply means no selloff.

While we all know this cannot go on forever and at some point this bull market will stall, the challenge is figuring out when.  Predicting what the market will do is easy, all the money is made getting the timing right.  While there are countless indicators pointing to how high investor sentiment is, in the near-term these indicators are bullish because it means people continue throwing money at the market.  Only after we get too close to the sun will we finally come crashing back down to earth.  Until then, let the good times roll.

The best way we know this is not the top is twofold.  First last week gave the market the perfect excuse and setup to trigger an extended selloff.  But instead of gathering momentum and sending spooked owners scrambling for the exits, everyone shrugged off the headlines and viewed the weakness as yet another buyable dip.  The second indicator is how wound up short-term traders, bears, and the financial press became over a 1% dip.  Bullish sentiment on Stocktwits SPY stream plummeted from 66% to 41% in a week!  That shows there is still a healthy amount of fear and skepticism in the market.  And now these aggressive bears will need to buy the market to cover their premature shorts, adding more fuel to the fire

Source: Stocktwits SPY stream 7/14/2014

Source: Stocktwits SPY stream 7/14/2014

Expected Outcome:
Selloffs are breathtakingly quick and this is the third day we’ve held 1,950 support, suggesting last week’s dip was little more than a test of support.  While I’m no raging bull, this market is giving every indication it wants to test 2,000.

Alternate Outcome:
One of these days we will come across a dip that shouldn’t be bought.  While the final score might be 99-1, bears will ultimately have the last laugh.

Trading Plan:
Last week’s selloff appears dead and bears should cover shorts before they turn into losses.  Nimble short-term traders can position themselves for a short-squeeze to 2,000.  Long-term investors already in the market should stay in the market but hold off on making new purchases for a couple of months because we will likely see better prices.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jul 10

A bullish loss

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks gapped lower at the open on renewed European banking worries, but recovered a big chunk of those losses by the close.  Volume was elevated as fundamental traders responded to the headlines and technical traders bailed on the break under 1,960 support.

While the S&P500 closed down 0.4%, this was about as bullish of a day as we could ask for.  Between the scary headlines and a violating support, owners had every excuse to stampede for the exits.  Instead they did the opposite, absolutely nothing.  The lack of selling tightened supply and there was nowhere for this market to go but higher from the opening lows.

When the market doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, that is a clear indication our analysis is flawed.  Bears had the perfect setup for a cascading selloff between spooky headlines and technical weakness, but when most owners didn’t flinch, it shows bears under estimated the resolve and confidence of bulls.

Even more bullish is the fact that over the last several days many weak-kneed traders sold these down-days, leaving far fewer potential sellers in the market.  Those that bought the dip demonstrated a willingness to own in the face of this weakness and are unlikely to flinch if we see another modest dip.  But a peculiar thing happens when everyone is willing to hold another dip, we don’t get one because when no one sells, there is nothing to push the market down.

Expected Outcome:
Having chased most of the worry-worts out over the last few days sets up a solid foundation of confident owners from which to continue the prior up-trend.  While this rally will eventually end like every rally before it, when the market resists the perfect setup to selloff, it means the rally is not over.

Alternate Outcome:
Buy the dip is the most worn out trade of the last few years.  By the time everyone know something, it is already on its way out.  If we bounced on one last gasp of dip-buying, expect the selling to resume once the dip-buyers run out of money.

Trading Plan:
The market is giving every indication it wants to go higher in the short-term.  Dip-buyers can buy the dip and bears should lock-in any profits they have before they disappear.  If we undercut today’s 1,952 low, all bets are off and the selloff will likely continue.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jul 09

Finding support

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks found support above 1,960 and recovered most of Tuesday’s decline, but today’s up-volume was significantly lower than the selloff.

Confident owners chose not to not join the short-term traders pushing the market down the last couple days.  The lack of follow-on selling by a wider group of owners cut off supply and the market bounced as we ran out of sellers.

While the wave of selling ended rather quickly, we need buyers to push us back up to record highs and it often takes several days of support for prospective buyers to regain their confidence.  This period of no one selling and no one buying is what gives us the sideways chop that shows up as a base on the chart.

Expected Outcome:
Baring a catastrophic open Thursday, the selloff died rather quickly.  But that isn’t a surprise.  In a complacent market, confident owners don’t want to sell, keeping supply tight and preventing downside moves from building momentum.  While it is easy to say the selloff is dead, if buying dips were easy, everyone would be rich.  We should expect the market to bounce around for a couple of days, even undercutting Tuesday’s 1,960 lows, before resuming the push to 2,000.

Alternate Outcome:
Today’s bounce could appear to be be the obvious buy-the-dip trade.  The problem with obvious trades is they rarely work.  If this was a false bottom, expect the selling to resume in short-order.

Trading Plan:
Closing above 1,960 Thursday and Friday tells us this market is headed higher.  If selling accelerates after breaking 1,960, expect the slide to continue.  Trade accordingly.

Plan your trade; Trade your plan

Jul 08

Testing 1,960

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks sold off for a second day, testing prior resistance at 1,960.

As dramatic as a 1% selloff from all-time highs feels, it is an indication of just how complacent we have become.  Times have been a little too easy when two down-days make us feel like the sky is falling.

While conventional wisdom says complacency is bearish, that is the long-term prognosis.  In the near-term it is highly bullish because confident owners refuse to sell their stock no matter what the headlines say.  The resulting tight supply drives prices up to dizzying heights.

Weakness over the last two-days was driven by short-term traders trying to time the market.  They saw last week’s pop to record highs as a little too much and decided to sell it this week.  Some of these are swing traders locking-in profits, others are bears shorting a market that’s gone too high.  While these short-term traders are very active, they have shallow pockets.  They can move markets for a few days, but after that it takes follow-on trading by big money to extend a move.  Here short-term traders are afraid of an imminent market pullback, but the vast majority of shareholders are comfortable with these dips because they learned long ago that they always bounce back.  And so far they have been right.  Without a fundamental catalyst to shatter the market’s confidence, there is little reason to expect this time will be any different.

This market will breakdown like every other one before it, but it will take some unsettling news that sends fear through the hearts of previously confident owners.  While that could happen at any moment, these last few days have been little more than short-term traders selling stock since no one can point to any one thing driving this selling.  Without that, there is nothing to send the larger herd rushing for the exits.

Expected Outcome:
The market has only been down more than two days in a row four times this year and all but one of those one of those streaks included a down day of less than 0.1%.  This is a complacent market and the dips keep getting smaller before the selling stalls and the dip-buyers rush to the rescue.  We found support at 1,960 Tuesday and if we hold this level over the next couple days, the selloff is dead and the market will likely bounce to 2,000 in coming weeks.

Alternate Outcome:
While complacent owners are extremely bullish, running out of buyers is just as bearish.  If buyers are afraid of these record highs, they will let prices slip to more attractive levels before coming to the rescue.

Trading Plan:
Long-term holders should keep holding.  Nimble swing-traders can buy support at 1,960 if we continue holding it.  Shorts should lock-in profits if we don’t crash through 1,960 Wednesday.  If we slice through 1,960 and cannot find a bottom, we will likely fall to 1,640.  Fail that and we are headed to 1,620.  But rather than be the start of a bigger correction, this is just another buyable dip and shorts should lock-in profits instead of get greedy.

Plan your trade; Trade your plan.

Jul 07

One step back

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks pulled back from record highs, giving up a fraction of a percent, but are still holding above recent resistance near 1,960.  The market continues to levitate 50+ points above the 50dma, something it last tested back in mid-May.

Noting boosts investor optimism like a long string of new highs.  Fear of heights and calls for a correction have been drowned out by frenzied dip-buying.  In the first six-months of the year the S&P500 has only experienced three occurrences with three down-days, two of those barely qualify with losses of 0.1% or less.  And we  still have yet to string together more than three down-days.

While that is a worrying sign, the good times continue until they don’t.  So far owners remain reluctant to sell shares no matter what headline pops up.  Their conviction that every dip is buyable prevents us from having a dip.  While we all know this cannot last forever, it almost always goes on longer than anyone dreams possible.

The biggest prop behind this market is the sheer size of all the money on the outside the market looking in.  These regretful investors made a hasty decision to bail out during the financial crisis and now that everyone around them is making money, the pressure is on to overcome their fears and pick up some of this easy money.

Expected Outcome:

Finding support above 1,960 for a couple more days suggests this market is headed to 2,000.  Breakdowns happen quickly and holding these levels shows buyers are willing to continue buying these levels and few are selling and locking in gains.

Alternate Outcome:
It’s been a good run since they May breakout and swing-traders will likely lock-in profits if we dip under technical support.  That selling could trigger wider selling and push us back down to the 50dma.

Trading Plan:
It is waaaay too late to buy this strength.  Anyone out of this market should wait for a pullback.  Bears should also avoid jumping too aggressively on any weakness since every other dip this years has been enthusiastically bought.  At this point we just wait for the complacency to pass and allow the next wave of emotion to create a trading opportunity.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 26

Disaster Averted

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks plummeted out of the gate, but recovered most of those losses by the close.  Early weakness pushed us under prior support at 1,950, but the selling stalled minutes later as we bounced off 1,945.  Volume was surprisingly light for such a wild ride.

Bears who claim this market is complacent are 100% correct, unfortunately for them that complacency is working to the bull’s advantage.  After a horrific open, bears had the perfect setup for an extended and bloody two or three percent selloff.  What happened instead?  Owners shrugged and continued holding, abruptly stymying the wave of selling.  What was supposed to result in a mad rush for the exits was met with a yawn as complacent owners stayed put.  Without supply flooding the market, it was inevitable we would bounce and that is exactly what happened.  The notion of complacent owners is further evidenced by the low volume that showed how few people reacted to Thursday’s dramatic open.

Conventional wisdom says complacency is bearish, but as we saw first hand today, in the near-term complacency is quite bullish.  Only over time does complacency become a problem after most prospective buyers are already fully invested and there is no one left to buy.  As we keep making new highs, clearly that is not the case yet.

Expected Outcome:
Holding 1,950 through Friday will show bulls are still in control of this market.  Failing to maintain this level means we are quickly running out of dip-buyers.  While no one knows for sure which way this will go, the market will tell us real quick what its intentions are.  Breakdowns happen shockingly fast, so if this pause stretches across multiple days, that tells us Wednesday’s selloff was little more than a head fake.

Trading Plan:
1,950 is quickly shaping up as the line in the sand for both bulls and bears.  Hold above this level, then bears should cover their shorts.  Break under it and bulls should take some profits off the table.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 25

What’s the next move?

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks bounced from yesterday’s selloff after finding support near 1,950.  This rebound recovered two-thirds of Tuesday’s decline on average volume and puts us within a few points of all-time highs.

Bulls are breathing a sigh of relief as dip-buyers rush in after only a single day of selling.  It sure feels like this is the easiest market ever.  Anytime stocks go down, buy more.  Repeat over and over until obscenely wealthy.  The problem with obvious trades is they rarely work for long.

If we looked strictly at active market participants, they are for the most part invested in this market and under normal conditions we would be setting up for a normal and healthy down-wave.  The wildcard is investors still sitting out following the 2008 carnage.  Are they finally warming up to this stock market that does nothing but go up?  While these participants are usually the last to the party and suggest we are getting closer to a top, their buying in the near-term keeps the good times rolling.

Since buy-the-dip has become such an obvious trade, it is not surprising we bounced Wednesday.  The bigger question is if this bounce is sustainable or just one last gasp of hope before returning to the 50dma.  While no one knows for sure, the market will let us know which way it wants to go real quick.  An absence of buyers on Thursday tells us to expect more selling in the near-term.  But if we hold 1,950 into Friday, it means owners are not selling and without excess supply, prices will hold steady.

Expected Outcome:
While this buy-the-dip trade is getting a bit too obvious, as long as people are willing to throw money at record highs, we’ll keep marching higher.  Picking tops is tricky business, but if 1,950 support barely lasts 24-hours, that shows demand is weak and we have lower prices in our future.

Alternate Outcome:
If this were easy, everyone would be rich.  Markets move higher as they turn cynics into believers.  There are still a lot of people who don’t believe in this market and those are the next round of buyers when they become more afraid of being left behind than they fear heights.

Trading Plan:
If bulls cannot defend 1,950, owners should consider locking in profits and bears can jump on the short side.  Use recent highs as a stop-loss.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 24

Is it time to panic?

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Today brought a fairly substantial reversal in fortunes as we tagged a record high in early trade before collapsing nearly 20-points to 1,950 support.  The 50dma is still 50-points underneath us and the 200dma is way back near 1,825.

Today served as a wakeup call for laxidasical bears who were growing accustomed to a never-ending climb higher.  There was no obvious catalyst to this selloff and the biggest piece of the news showed the housing sector improving more than expected.  Seeing the market reverse from fresh highs on good news is rarely encouraging and enough to give us pause.  The big question is if this is the start of something larger or just another buyable dip on the way higher.  As we find ourselves in the middle of summer vacation trade, these lighter volumes can lead to increased volatility due to smaller trades carrying more influence.

Anyone who thinks bulls will panic and rush for the exits is going to be disappointed.  Complacent owners expect this weakness to bounce like it has every other time.  The greatest trade of the last two-years has been buying the dips and the masses are finally waking up to this trend.  This is how a paranoid market that flinched at every mention of Sequester, Fiscal Cliff, Cyprus, and Taper transitions to one that barely budges as war breaks out in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.  Reactive selling at any point over the last two-years invariably lead to regret as those sellers watched the rally leave them behind.  There are only so many times you can fool a person before they wise up.  The problem for many is the more popular something becomes in the market, the less likely it is to keep working.  While everyone’s been calling for a correction since early 2013, eventually they will be right and we are closer to that day than ever before.  While no one can predict where this market will top, it is riskier to own when everyone feels safe and with the market near record highs and the VIX near record lows, it is hard to claim this market is fearful.

Expected Outcome:
Trends continue until they don’t.  While it is clearly premature to call the bull market dead, we all know markets go up and down.  With 20 of the last 27 trading days ending in the green, it isn’t unusual for us to pause and see a few days of distribution.  We have support back at 1,925, 1,900 and the 50dma.  It wouldn’t surprise anyone to see us retest these levels.  And a bull should be hoping for this since a little backfilling makes a continued rally more sustainable.

Alternate Outcome:
Every dip has been a buying opportunity and will continue to be a buying opportunity as long as chasers have money to throw at the market.  We already know owners no longer flinch at headlines or weakness, so it will take an exhaustion of demand to defeat this bull.  Figuring out when everyone has bought in and there are no more buyers left is one of the hardest things to do in the market.  Since a trend continues countless times but only reverses once, it is more likely this dip will bounce like all the others before it.

Trading Plan:
While today’s reversal felt dramatic, we are only 1% from the highs and a long way above the 50 and 200dma.  Given markets move two-steps forward, one-step back, even a bull should wait a couple of days to see how far this step back goes.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 23

Holding the highs

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

An uneventful day with only 5-points separating the highs from the lows, ultimately finishing unchanged.  The market is 60-points above the 50dma and aside from Friday’s elevated quadruple witching, volumes have been below average.

Stocks are at record highs and the VIX near record lows.  There has never been a more comfortable time to own stocks and this complacency has many owners holding regardless of headline risk.  This lack of interest in selling keeps a lid on volatility and every five- or ten-point selloff stalls and bounces when no one joins in the selling.  With so little supply hitting the market, it is extremely easy for the market to continue climbing higher.

But the lack of concern means we are closer to the end of this move than at the start of a new leg higher.  Sustainable rallies are built on the back of fear as they climb the proverbial wall of worry.  When no one wants to own the market, it allows the bold trader to buy stock at steep discounts.  But as the masses become comfortable owning stock, they will only sell if someone offers them a premium price.  This bouncing between discount and premium is what gives us the typical gyrations in the market.

Given where we are and where we came from, it is hard to claim sellers are dumping shares at a discount here.  Since humans naturally look at the recent past and expect the trend to continue, many traders are sitting on their stocks expecting the good times to continue well into the future.  And they will be right as long as we keep finding new buyers willing to pay even higher prices for stocks.  This is the basis for the “next greater fool theory”.  Many people continue holding stocks even when they know they are too high because they assume someone else will come along shortly who will pay even more money than they did, and so far they’ve been right.  But how long will the music keep playing?

Expected Outcome:  Keep inching higher until something catches the market by surprise.
Everyone knows the VIX will not stay at 11.  What no one knows is why it will spike or when that will happen.  Will insurgents blow up a key pipeline in Iraq?  Will economic indicators start heading south?  Will a geopolitical event thrust uncertainty into western economies?  Will it be a natural disaster?  I have no idea what it will be or if it will happen next week, next month or next year. Knowing what will happen is easy, all the money is made getting the timing right.

Alternate Outcome:
There is no reason we cannot have another 30% year before the inevitable fall.  So far the right trade has been ignoring all the calls for a pullback and it will likely continue this way…..until it doesn’t.

Trading Plan:
It is more profitable to buy discounted stock and sell it at a premium than the other way around.  While buy-high, sell-higher can work in individual momentum stocks, the broad market is so large it rarely gets as carried away by the momentum trade.  We go a little too high and then we go a little too low and then we go a little too high again.  Repeat until either rich, broke, or confused.

It is hard to find discounts up here to justify the risk/reward of initiating new positions, but those sitting on profits can use a trailing-stop to protect their profits if things start to break down.  As for the shorts, you will be right at some point, the key is not getting killed between now and then.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 17

What bad news?

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:55 EDT

S&P500 daily at 1:55 EDT

Intraday Update

Stocks are holding the recent breakout following a modest test of 1,925 support last week.  Volume remains light in the traditionally slow summer vacation months.

We are holding record highs in spite of negative headlines coming out of Iran and the potential for more political gridlock in DC.  With multiple days to digest these headlines, they are largely priced in and we shouldn’t expect further selling based on what we already know.  Markets crashes typically arrive with a sell first, ask questions later reaction to spooky headlines and the fact we held 1,925 support for a 4th day suggests this market is indifferent toward these concerning headlines.  Barring an unexpected deterioration in the situation, we should expect the uptrend to continue.

These headlines rattled nerves, but didn’t cause many people to hit the sell button.  Five-years into this bull market and nearly three-years since we’ve seen anything resemble market panic, investors have become very complacent.  While we all know this cannot last, in the near-term complacency is bullish because it means most owners are unwilling to sell no matter what is going on around them.  Their confidence keeps supply tight and makes this death-defying really possible.

Expected Outcome: Higher in the near-term
Confounding the skeptics and finding support tells us there is little that will rattle this market.  While history reminds us this cannot last forever, in the near-term this “hold no matter what” attitude among stock owners keeps pushing us higher.  At this point it doesn’t seem like we will find a headline that sends owners running for the exits and instead this market will only top when we run out of optimistic buyers.

Alternate Outcome:
Markets rarely get things right the first time and this leads to over and undershooting.  Fears of Sequester and Fiscal Cliffs were clearly overblown.  This time we are largely ignoring civil war in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.  Under appreciating the risks involved in these situations leaves us vulnerable to a worse than expected outcome.  The higher we go, the harder we fall.

Trading Plan:
Anyone sitting on profits should have an exit plan.  Maybe that is proactive selling into strength or it is a trailing stop, but don’t let complacency cause you to let these profits evaporate when the market rolls over.  Bears waiting for this market to crack need to be patient.  These headlines out of the Middle East were the perfect catalyst, but since the weakness already bounced back, admit defeat and wait for something bigger.

Plan you trade; trade your plan

Jun 16

Holding support

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 3:32 EDT

S&P500 daily at 3:32 EDT

Intraday Update

Stocks are bouncing around today as they digest overseas headlines.  We are one percent from recent highs and nearly 50-points above the 50dma.  Prior resistance near 1,925 is acting as support and we are holding this technical level for a 3rd day.  Volume has been below average every day for nearly a month, but this is typical of light summer vacation trade.

Without big money’s steady hand, summer can be volatile as smaller traders have more influence.  This is especially true when the market is trying to digest worrisome headlines coming out of Iraq and a potential flare up of political discord in DC.  While we are only a few points from all-time highs, the market is anything but relaxed.

Ignore the headlines and buy the dip has been the rally call of last couple years and many are sticking to that game plan here.  Buyers showed up to defend 1,925 and so far are preventing any further selling.  Their cause is aided by confident owners unwilling to sell fearful headlines, keeping supply tight.  Last year the market jumped at the sight of its own shadow as we had temporary selloffs on headlines of sequester, fiscal cliffs, Arab spring, and taper to name a few.  This year prospects of war in Ukraine and Iraq are met with cautious optimism.

While it is encouraging to see the market hold up in the face of these headlines, the best profit opportunities come from irrational market moves.  While participants are nervous over these geopolitical headlines, no one is fearful enough to sell their stock at a discount.  After nearly two years of watching every dip bounce back to new highs has trained owners to hold no matter what.  With so few sellers, the future of this market rests on the buy side.  As long as buyers keep soaking up what little selling we have, the market will continue higher.  But every rally reaches a point where everyone who wants stock already has all they can hold and the market stalls on a lack of new money.

Expected Outcome:
The longer we hold up in the face of these headlines, the less likely they will take us down.  Markets tend to roll over quickly and avoiding a precipitous drop as these headlines break means they are well on their way to being priced in.

Alternate Outcome:
Owners are demonstrating comfort with the risk/reward at these levels.  With such a little discount being offered to hold this risk, the market is telling us it doesn’t expect these events to deteriorate in any appreciable way.  That leaves buyers vulnerable to a worse than expected outcome that is clearly not priced in.

Trading Plan:
The best profit opportunities arise from emotional and irrational moves in the market.  Since no one is offering us a discount to hold this risk, there is little reason for us to own these headlines.  The same goes for shorting the market.  We had the scary headlines and the market didn’t flinch, meaning it will take something larger to crack this market.  At this point it seems we are in no-man’s land and where the market goes from here is a coin-flip.  If I were forced to pick sides, holding these levels suggests we will continue higher, but any degradation of the situation in Iraq could set of a mad rush for the exits.  With such a poor risk/reward, the best trade is to wait and see what comes next.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 11

Consolidating Gains

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 2:54 EDT

S&P500 daily at 2:54 EDT

Intraday Update

Stocks slipped modestly as they consolidate near the 1,950 level.  Early weakness brought us down to the low 1,940s, but dip buyers propped up the market and are defending these levels.

Unsustainable breakouts tend to rollover quickly when follow-on buying fails to materialize.  If we continue holding 1,940 for a fourth day, that suggests buyers still see value at these levels.  Of course we need to be extra cautious during the summer’s low-volume since smaller trades have a larger impact and we often see increased volatility.

Recent strength defies the skeptics but from a sentiment POV it makes perfect sense.  We’ve transitioned from a fearful market in 2013 to a greedy one in 2014.  While this rarely ends well, these moves go higher than anyone expects before breaking down.  By itself complacency is bullish because it means most owners are unwilling to sell no matter what the headline or price action.  They refuse to sell because they are confident any dip will bounce and so far they have been proven right.  In a self-fulfilling prophecy, lack of selling keeps supply tight and makes it easy for the rally to continue.

Expected Outcome:
Markets move in waves and the risk of a pullback are highest following a strong move higher.  At best we digest these gains and trade sideways, at worst we retest recent support back near 1,900.  Either way the risk/reward to initiating a new position here is stacked against us.  Give the market a couple more days before rushing in.

Alternate Outcome:
Anything can happen during summer’s light volumes.  The pain trade has clearly been higher as everyone expecting near-term weakness is either out of the market or short.  These bears and cynics are scrambling to buy a piece of this market before it gets away from them and that reactive buying keeps pushing us higher.

Trading Plan:
We trade when the odds are in our favor and buying up here is little more than chasing performance. While this move could easily run toward 2,000 over the next few weeks, the market needs to catch its breath and we will have the opportunity to buy in a few days after the risk of a pullback fades.  If we cannot hold 1,940, then things get interesting.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

Jun 05

Another record high

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

Stocks surged into record territory, smashing resistance near 1,925.  Volume was below average, but the highest in a week as today’s gains gives us 12 winners out of the last 14 sessions.

Last year we had a laundry list of reasons to avoid this market, but this year people are struggling to find excuses to stay out.  While that has been bullish as the last of the holdouts buy in, market rallies are typically built on fear and uncertainty not calm and confidence.  After years of fearing a financial collapse around every corner, we’ve reached the point where most are more worried more about being left behind than the sky falling.  While that sentiment reversal pushed us to record territory, a lot of good news has already been priced in and there is little, if any, discount being offered to hold market risk.  While we can skate on thin ice all day long and never fall in, the lack of a risk discount leaves us more vulnerable the next time something rattles the market.

The higher we go, the harder we fall and is why periodic pullbacks are a critical part of every sustainable rally.  While we’ve had modest dips and consolidations along the way, most owners have grown accustomed to buying dips and have forgotten how scary and painful the market’s dark side can be.  While I was expecting summer weakness to refresh this market, it appears like we might climb through the summer, leaving us vulnerable to an even larger pullback in the fall.

2013 was the year of the half-empty market as everyone focused on the risks.  At the end of last year we transitioned to 2014’s half-full market where we embraced the nuggets of optimism and shunned any negativity.  Today we cheered the most aggressive rate policy in ECB history without pausing to ask why such dramatic actions are needed.

Expected Outcome:

We will keep heading higher as long as buyers are willing to throw money at record highs.  This will continue as long as the fear of missing profits trumps fear of losing money.  But once that other shoe drops, the exits will be crowded.  While we all know this market will pullback at some point, no one knows when or why it will happen.  This is simply a waiting game and as long as the market continues heading higher, all is well with the world.

Alternate Outcome:
We are in a secular bull market and we can go many years without a meaningful pullback as long as there is new money waiting to come in.  Given how deep the 2008/2009 market crash was, there is still plenty of money sitting out of this rally.

Trading Plan:
Chasing record highs is the riskiest time to jump in and anyone not already in the market will be better served waiting for the inevitable pullback to at least 1,925.  Those lucky enough to be sitting on profits should move up their trailing stop and be ready to take profits if cracks start appearing.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

May 28

Holding gains

By Jani Ziedins | Intraday Analysis

S&P500 daily at 1:14 EDT

S&P500 daily at 1:14 EDT

Intraday Update

Stocks are mostly flat in midday trade following yesterday’s breakout.

Those with cash aren’t buying and those with stock aren’t selling.  Contrary to popular opinion, complacency is bullish because confident owners don’t sell and that keeps supply tight.  It only becomes a problem when we run out of buyers needed to sustain these levels.  So far this year market participants have been unwilling to chase stocks above 1,900 and we drifted sideways the first five months of the year.  Here we are again at the top of the trading range and asking ourselves if this is finally the real breakout, or yet another stall near the highs.

Last year’s relentless rally forced fund managers to buy a market they didn’t trust because they were more afraid of being left behind.  This year the market is only up 3% over the first five months and there is very little pressure on managers to chase performance.  In fact we are seeing the opposite in speculative names as everyone is trying to get them off their books.  But while tech stocks stumbled, the S&P500 and Dow are making new highs.  The biggest reason for the disconnect is few of these new issues are old or large enough to have been added to these broad indexes, so their selloffs doesn’t affect them.  But are these canaries in the coal mine and foretell doom and gloom for the rest of us?

It is easy to find bulls and bears in this market.  Depending on who you talk to, things are either great or about to implode.  The most scarce opinion is indifference toward this market.  In 2014, both bulls and bears have been wrong at every turn and the traditional summer doldrums are an unlikely place to break this logjam.

Expected Outcome: At the upper end of an extended trading range
Buying weakness and selling strength has been the trade of the year and there are no signals this will change as we move into summer’s traditionally slow trade.  With the markets largely flat for the year, there is little pressure on managers to buy record highs and this gives them time to wait and see what happens.  Without big money getting behind this breakout, it is hard to see what else will propel us higher.

Alternate Outcome:
If this market continues rallying, that will pressure managers to chase.  While this is a more likely outcome this fall, it could happen earlier if we keep making new highs.

Trading Plan:
Buy weakness and sell strength.

Plan your trade; trade your plan

May 27

Finally a breakout

By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis

S&P500 daily at end of day

S&P500 daily at end of day

End of Day Update

The S&P500 surged to new highs, decisively breaking the 1,900 barrier.  Volume was below average, but above last week’s lethargic pre-holiday levels.

Either this is the start of the next rally leg, or one last gasp before demand dries up and we slip into the traditional summer doldrums.  Today’s breakout was largely derived from European strength following expectations of more monetary easing by the European Central Bank.  While easy money is drying up in this hemisphere, the party continues on the other side of the globe.  In reality, this is a half-empty/half-full development.  Markets are addicted to cheap money, but central bankers reliance on stimulus shows these experts don’t have confidence in the underlying economic fundamentals.

Supply and demand wise, lighter holiday volumes make it easier for smaller trades to move the market.  Today we broke through well-defined technical levels, causing many traders to buy the breakout and/or cover their shorts.  Every other time we approached these levels, demand dried up as few buyers were willing to chase these prices.  Will this time be any different?

Market rallies are built on stocks recovering from oversold levels following a bout of irrational pessimism, or they coast higher on complacency and the assumption good times will continue indefinitely.  Its been a long time since trade was dominated by fear and pessimism, meanings this strength comes from the assumption of good things to come.  The best trading opportunities come from going against the herd.  If the herd believes we have nothing to worry about, then we should be worried.  Expectations of clear sailing mean most are fully invested and the lack of fear means there is ample capacity for a wave of panic to take hold.

Expected Outcome: At the upper end of a summer trading range.
Big money managers often take time off in the summer and the junior associates rarely have the authority to initiate new positions.  This lack of demand is why summer volumes are often light and we typically trade sideways.  With so many managers dreaming of the beach, it seems unlikely they will chase this market, especially since we are mostly flat for the year and there is no pressure to keep up.

Alternate Outcome:
Traders have an intrinsic fear of heights and while they are not fretting over headlines, these record highs make them nervous.  That reluctance to own makes the market under owned and will be the catalyst for the second half of the year rally.

Trading Plan:
Buying breakouts and selling weakness has been the surest way to financial ruin in this choppy, sideways market and so far we haven’t seen anything to suggest this breakout will turn out any different.  Until proven otherwise, buy weakness and sell strength.

Plan your trade; trade your plan