Jani Ziedins (pronounced Ya-nee) is a full-time investor and financial analyst that has successfully traded stocks and options for nearly three decades. He has an undergraduate engineering degree from the Colorado School of Mines and two graduate business degrees from the University of Colorado Denver. His prior professional experience includes engineering at Fortune 500 companies, small business consulting, and managing investment real estate. He is now fortunate enough to trade full-time from home, affording him the luxury of spending extra time with his wife and two children.
By Jani Ziedins | Free CMU
The S&P 500 bounced back from yesterday’s modest dip and the March rebound continues reclaiming lost ground. There wasn’t a definitive headline driving this strength, instead, this relief primarily comes from a moderation of the viral infection rates. We are still a long, long way from resolving this crisis, but at least for the moment, it appears like it is no longer spiraling out of control.
Last week I shared a day-trading strategy that has been working well in this market. It doesn’t matter if the market gaps higher or lower, what we are paying attention to is the market’s first move following the open. If the market rallies, we buy. If it dips, we short. Now, when I say first move, I don’t mean five seconds after the open, but in the first five or ten minutes. Identify that move, jump aboard, leave a stop near the open and see what happens. If the first move fizzles and hits your stop, get out. If you are aggressive, consider flipping directions and going the other way. Take profits in the afternoon and be ready to do it again the next day.
Easy enough, right? Well, today gave us one of the more challenging cases. To this point, the market’s been really good about going in one direction or the other. The handful of times it switched directions midday, that reversal kept on going, making a flipped trade work well. But today’s price-action caught us in the middle. The early rally dipped back to the open and then bounced higher. How this affected a person’s trade depends on the levels they got in at, the stop they picked, and if they switched directions or not.
If a person gave their stop little extra room under the open, they were probably okay and rode the afternoon rebound higher. But if they were more conservative, this midday swoon undercut their stops and knocked them out for a small loss. If they used that trigger as a signal to enter a short trade, they got washed out a few minutes later when that midday false-alarm bounced higher.
If I person got zinged twice today, there is nothing wrong with calling it quits and trying again tomorrow. These losses are measured in cents and not a big deal relative to the profits we’ve been collecting over the last few weeks. We cannot win them all and this is just part of the game. Come back tomorrow and by then today’s trade will be long forgotten.
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By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis
The S&P 500 stumbled at the open following the long holiday weekend. Coronavirus headlines were actually fairly encouraging with infection rates moderating in a lot of areas. Unfortunately, much that optimism was already priced in during last week’s 12% surge. Now that we are at the upper end of the recent range, the market requires even better news to keep pushing higher and today’s headlines didn’t cut it.
That said, after the morning’s selling ran its course, the market held up surprisingly well. I’ve been one of the countless cynics that are suspicious of this market’s nearly 30% rebound from last month’s lows. But despite the widespread criticism, this market keeps hanging in there. And today’s price action was no different. Rather than devolve into a mass of panicked sellers, supply dried up in late-morning trade and we spent the rest of the day climbing out of that hole. While prices still finished in the red, I actually count this as a win for the bulls. When owners were given the invitation to sell, they shrugged and bought the dip instead. How much longer this lasts is anyone’s guess, but for the time being, the market is still acting well and it still demands our respect.
While odds are high the market will stumble and test support at some point, it doesn’t seem like we are at that point yet. Maybe it finally happens tomorrow, the day after, or even next week. But either way, we need to be careful shorting a resilient market. Lately, I’ve been day-trading this market because I’d rather not be caught on the wrong side of a 3%, 4% or even 5% opening gap. There is still plenty of money to be made trading during regular hours and most importantly, this allows us to exercise prudent risk management by preventing prices from leaping over our stop-losses in the middle of the night. While I might miss some profits when the market gaps in my direction, inevitably, I am also missing those days when it would have run over me instead.
I don’t need to make all of the money, just the easier, lower risk stuff. I’ll leave everything else to the gamblers. If you want to read how I’m trading this market, check out last week’s free posts.
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By Jani Ziedins | Weekly Analysis
Free End of Week Analysis and Lookahead
The S&P 500 closed out another outstanding week, this time finishing 12% above last Friday’s close. As is usually the case, the best days (and weeks) occur in the middle of the worst times. As I often write, the market likes symmetry and it is no surprise this historic selloff contains an equally historic rebound.
As incredulous as people were two weeks ago when the index surged 20% and (technically) started the next bull market, thus far the new bull has been sticking. I’m most definitely not critical of the people who were skeptical of this sharp bounce because I was right there with them. Of course as is often the case in the market, the more people that think the same thing, the less likely it is to happen. There are a lot of structural and psychological reasons why this happens, but suffice to say, if an idea is too popular, the market is more likely to do the opposite of what most people expect. And that is exactly what we got this week.
Does this sharp bounce mean the selloff is over? No, of course not. Anyone who saw this morning’s weekly unemployment claims knows we are a long way from solving our economic problems. While social-distancing policies have done a lot to contain new infections, they are doing a number on our economy. So far the government has done a good job of reassuring markets by throwing truckloads of money at the problem, but it is safe to say any return to normalcy is still a long way in the future.
As is often the case, the market tends to overshoot during these crashes and the subsequent bounces. Last month’s crash went too far and it appears like this month’s rebound will end the same way. That said, it is easy to predict what the market will do next because it always does the same thing. The challenge isn’t predicting a near-term pullback, it is predicting when it will happen. And most important to us, getting the timing right is where all the money is made.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m still skeptical of this rebound and suspect the next pullback is just around the corner. That said, I’m prepared to be wrong again next week. What the market thinks is a lot more important than what I think. If it wants to keep going up, then there is only one way to trade it. That said, when the cracks start showing, be ready to get out of the way and even go short. If a person wants to know how I’m trading this, take a look at yesterday’s post.
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By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis
In Tuesday’s free after-hours post, I explained why I felt the market’s recent runup left us vulnerable to a near-term pullback. Those suspicions seemed confirmed by yesterday’s intraday selloff that erased all of the impressive opening gains. While I liked what I saw and in a normal market I would have held that short for multiple days, unfortunately, these are most definitely not normal times.
It has been my policy for a few weeks now to not hold positions overnight. These 2%, 3%, and even 5% opening gaps leap over any sensible stops we use to protect ourselves. Sometimes the gaps are higher, other times they are lower, and so far I haven’t figured out a reliable way of anticipating how the market is going to react to the overnight headlines. Rather than risk losing my profits the next morning, I take those profits in the afternoon and look for a new trade the next morning. While I normally don’t like day-trading, we trade the market we are given and this is the one we get.
But as unreliable as the open gaps have been, the market’s first move has been quite reliable and often signals a much larger intraday move. Most of the time that means buying the early move, hanging on, and taking profits in the afternoon.
While it’s been a good strategy, it doesn’t always work and that’s why we need a nearby stop to minimize the cost of any mistakes. And more than just that, the other thing I noticed lately is when I’m wrong, I tend to be really wrong. Rather than simply pull the plug and try again the next day, I pull the plug and switch directions. As much as it feels wrong to go against my gut, it gets a lot easier to tolerate when we see the profits pile up.
And that’s exactly what happened today. I started the day flat and the initial dip from the open got me in on the short side. This is the swoon I was looking for and everything was going according to plan. But by midmorning, the early slide bounced and overtook the opening levels. Rather than argue with the market or convince myself to give the trade a little more time to work, I pulled the plug. And more than just pull the plug, as I said, when I’m wrong, I tend to be really wrong, so I switched directions, went long, and held on.
While no one is getting rich from a 1% or 2% intraday move, do it enough times and the profits start to add up.
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By Jani Ziedins | End of Day Analysis
The S&P 500 3% popped at the open as global Coronavirus infection rates showed their first hints of moderating. This was welcome news for fatigued markets and the relief extended the market’s rebound more than 500-points above our lowest point.
As I often write, the market loves symmetry. It was almost inevitable that a historic crash would be followed by an equally historic rebound. As incredulous as people were two weeks ago when the market rebounded 20% and headlines proclaimed the bear market was over, here we are, still standing. As bad as things seem in their darkest hours, we always manage to push through them and this episode will be no different.
That said, there is a huge difference between starting to heal and being recovered. This market is still incredibly volatile and that means big moves in both directions. While the free-fall might be behind us, that doesn’t mean we should expect clear sailing back to the highs. There are definitely promising signs in the battle against the Coronavirus, but the economic cost of this progress is staggering and cannot be ignored. Following this brief relief rally, expect our economic reality to start weighing on stock prices again. We saw the first signs of this second-guessing show up this afternoon as stocks retreated from their early highs.
Markets move in waves and this latest rebound will invariably end in the next move lower. I don’t expect a major crash, but any retest of support feels scary. It has to. If it didn’t feel real, people wouldn’t sell and we wouldn’t dip. But rather than tumble out of control, realize this next move lower is simply an exhale, not a crash.
As for how to trade this, anyone with short-term trading profits should have locked them in. As volatile as this market is, waiting a day too long is the difference between harvesting profits and accumulating tax write-offs. While no one likes taxes, I definitely prefer paying taxes on profits than using losses as a tax deduction.
More important than how the market opens tomorrow is what its initial move is. Gap lower or higher doesn’t matter as much as that move in the first 30 minutes. Buy an early bounce with a stop just under the opening levels or short a dip with a stop just above the open. If we get stopped out, consider switching direction and going the other way. Collect profits before the close and limit overnight exposure. Repeat this process again on Thursday.
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By Jani Ziedins | Free CMU
The S&P 500 exploded 7% higher after Coronavirus infection rates showed a modest moderation over the weekend. While these are only just the first hints of a beginning, anything remotely positive is being embraced by the markets. These small rays of light reassure traders there will be an end to this crisis and we are not falling down a bottomless pit. That said, today’s relief could easily turn into tomorrow’s disappointment when our economic realities come crashing back down on the market.
These 4%, 5%, and even 7% moves in both directions are a constant reminder we cannot survive these markets without a plan that allows us to be wrong. Despite the constant boasts on the internet claiming otherwise, no one is right all the time. In fact, any honest trader freely admits to being wrong…a lot. While braggarts are trying to convince us they already know where the next breakout/breakdown will be, I’m over here looking at all these boasts with a highly skeptical eye.
There is a popular saying in the market, there are bold traders and there are old traders, but there are no old, bold traders. And it’s true, only the novices boast about their trading prowess. (Many people still act like first-year traders even though they’ve been doing this for a decade!) Savvy veterans have been humbled far too many times to even consider tempting the market’s vindictiveness by bragging about their successes.
My most recent humbling experience occurred today. Last week I was looking for a market swoon back to 2,300 support following the previous week’s 20% rebound. While I felt like a near-term dip was the most likely outcome, I knew better than to tempt fate by holding a short position over the weekend. With 3%, 4% and even 5% opening gaps as common as they are, a simple mistake could easily turn into a very costly mistake by leap-frogging any sensible stop. (IMO, stock options are far too costly to be usable right now.)
Since my trading plan couldn’t effectively manage my risk over the weekend, I chose not to hold a position and would wait until this morning to trade the next move. That decision meant I couldn’t profit from a nice move in my direction over the weekend, but it also meant I wouldn’t end up on the wrong side of a 5% gap against me. And it’s a good thing because that’s exactly what happened today.
Sometimes the best trade is to not trade and I’m glad my trading plan kept my gut out of the market this weekend. And more than just saving me from a big opening loss, my cash position and trading plan actually got me in on the right side of the market and I finished the day with a decent profit. Not bad for being wrong.
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By Jani Ziedins | Weekly Analysis
Free Weekly Analysis and Lookahead
It definitely felt like another rough week for the S&P 500 as the market retreated from last week’s rebound, especially Wednesday when the market shed 4.4% in a single session. That said, if you stand back and look at the weekly chart, it doesn’t seem so bad. For the week, we only gave back 2% of last week’s 10% rebound. I’d actually go so far as to call that resilience a win.
Stocks tumble from unsustainable levels quickly and the market had plenty of invitations to unleash bigger waves of defensive selling. Yet, most of the weak daily opens were met with buying, not follow-on selling. At least to this point, investors seem more interested in buying these discounts than selling them.
How much longer this can last is anyone’s guess, but the longer this goes, the more solid the ground is under our feet becomes. Calm and rational trade is almost always bullish and the longer we hold off another waterfall selloff, the better our prognosis becomes.
That said, the best case is falling into a trading range near the lows. Just because we don’t tumble doesn’t mean we are ready to race back to the highs. Expect prices to settle into a range between 2,300 and 2,600 for a while. As long as we remain inside that spread, everything is under control. Just make sure you remember this includes dipping back to 2,300. While everyone else is scared out of their minds, we will know better. (If the crowd didn’t think a dip was real, no one would sell and prices wouldn’t dip!) As long as we recognize what is going on, then we will be in a far better position to profit from it.
Chances are good the market tests 2,300 support next week and until further notice, we treat that as a dip-buying opportunity. That said, our greatest asset is our nimbleness. If prices tumble under the lows, we close our longs and go short. If prices bounce back, we close the short and go long. Moving proactively and keeping a nearby stop minimizes the cost of these whipsaws. More important is we ensure we are in the best possible position to profit from the next move no matter which direction it goes.
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